Poll: Would you like to see higher base EXP bonus for larger parties?
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Higher boosts for larger party sizes.
Analog, on the topic of 'real world data/results /w ideal balanced teams', I've been in an 'even' group shortly after having a couple of friends join since I discovered the game.

Currently /w the party bonus as is, you go (100% exp x 1 kill spd) / (70% exp x 2 kill spd) / (46.6% exp x 3 kill spd)/(35%x 4 kill spd)* for (100%/120%/120%/120%*) , so numerically it doesn't look like any difference overall between 2/3 party groups, but you have to factor the 1 sec re-spawn time which means 2 person parties grind up slightly faster than 3 person parties.

The main advantage 3 person parties could have would be for grinding on stages normally not doable/too slow in 2 person parties, which is a narrow band.
Ex: Assume each person's dps is 1k and time to kill monster is 10 secs, where a 3 person party can only kill is at monsters with a hp between 20,001 ~ 29,999.
If monster hp is (level^2 + 5), that means level 142 ~ 173 would be the 3 person party levels. The main level to grind there : Level 151 gives say (25491 | 17844 | 11879) for 1|2|3 person parties. Compare to highest 2-person only party: lvl 126 would give (16468 |11528|7674) for 1|2|3 person parties. (I ripped exp numbers from in-game, they may not be the most true for base, but both numbers had the same bonus exp multipliers)
3 Person party at lvl 151 would give 11879 exp / (7.60 sec + 1 sec) = 1381.27 exp/sec overall (per person)
2 Person party at lvl 126 would give 11528 exp / (7.94 sec + 1 sec) = 1289.48 exp/sec overall (per person)
2 Person party at lvl 101 would give 7048 exp / (5.10 sec + 1 sec) = 1155.40 exp/sec overall (per person)

Once each person hit 1141 dps each it becomes more beneficial for 2 person party at 151, since 176 isn't available until ascend.
ex: 1200 dps per person in party, 10 sec timer still.
3 Person party at lvl 151 would give 11879 exp / (6.33 sec + 1 sec) = 1620.60 exp/sec overall (per person)
2 Person party at lvl 151 would give 17844 exp / (9.5 sec + 1 sec) = 1699.42 exp/sec overall (per person)

When we remove the bonus exp tiers (ie: level 301+) we get equivalent to our second state than the first.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Higher boosts for larger party sizes. - Omnia0001 - 07-20-2015, 04:54 AM

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