Can you make it where we can not accidentally spam legendary resets? I wanted to reset and add to wood as i do before dumping energy. But I was tired and instead spammed reset 8-10 times losing a couple hundred ap.
- Probably wont make it into changelog, but I have added a check serverside to prevent resets when there is nothing to reset. Good call, thanks.
Could a 'How many dyna do you wish to get' be put into the game. If you save up a lot of AP, rather than click a lot of time, you buy how much you want. This would also mean there would need to be a new way to clear the mining screen other than buying dynomite
- Will be a unity feature likely. We are also revamping Mining in general so I don't know what kind of interactions will be occurring at that point. So for now I won't be jumping on this right away.
Can you be more open about when you are gonna be not working on game? Don’t have to give specific reason just say like real life is happening see you guys in a few days. Sucked waiting for last update and not hearing from you when everything was working on test server
- Working on the game and doing updates are very different aspects on my end. My ability to perform an update and allocating a full day to ensure no issues go on, along with all the support requests are not in the same. Even without seeing constant updates on test, I'm generally always around working on 'something'. I did mention the update would be delayed.
Ray, can you please add a confirmation button for if you are about to spend max fish sacs?
I lost my fish stock for the second time this year when the game lagged while i was buying sacs. this hurts a lot, especially since i used whistles to get my stock as high.
- Added for upcoming minipatch
Why not adding a week bonus for ship expeditions? like X week bonus +X% to ultinum or sac or whatever
- Expeditions are already heavily outbalanced. I don't want to toy with them until they get a serious review
Can we get a guild chat notification that guild well will expire soon, nothing says excitement like being surprised that your well just decreased.
- I think we can tie notifications for something like this in the Unity event system. Not likely to hit the flash version though, sorry.
Talking about guild chat: add a notification when a member joins? at the moment there's only a message when someone leaves
- Same applies via Unity
Can we get a notification orb when our ingame tickets status changes
- Same applies via Unity. This one is really important though, I agree. I have an in-game mail system designed, so perhaps we can tie it into that.
If you fail to log in (failure to login to the game, either due to maintenance or due to connection), on the login screen the 'log in' and 'close' buttons disappears, leaving only the words. You're forced to reload to be able to log in again.
- This was originally to prevent people from spamming the login while waiting for the request. I'll look into it.
Fix bingo or remove it from live till its actually working 100%
- This is Jay's priority when he returns from vacation.
1. Lack of usage for crystals
2. Lack of good usage for diamonds - fish, card x2 and fast tracking expedition is not something I want to blow my diamonds on at all times
1. Coming with 2nd layer to orbs
2. A new VIP will be coming soon. Also the pet arena expansion will probably bring a new sink to the game.
Thanks for participating, you can post a question/concern for next time over here -
- Probably wont make it into changelog, but I have added a check serverside to prevent resets when there is nothing to reset. Good call, thanks.
Could a 'How many dyna do you wish to get' be put into the game. If you save up a lot of AP, rather than click a lot of time, you buy how much you want. This would also mean there would need to be a new way to clear the mining screen other than buying dynomite
- Will be a unity feature likely. We are also revamping Mining in general so I don't know what kind of interactions will be occurring at that point. So for now I won't be jumping on this right away.
Can you be more open about when you are gonna be not working on game? Don’t have to give specific reason just say like real life is happening see you guys in a few days. Sucked waiting for last update and not hearing from you when everything was working on test server
- Working on the game and doing updates are very different aspects on my end. My ability to perform an update and allocating a full day to ensure no issues go on, along with all the support requests are not in the same. Even without seeing constant updates on test, I'm generally always around working on 'something'. I did mention the update would be delayed.
Ray, can you please add a confirmation button for if you are about to spend max fish sacs?
I lost my fish stock for the second time this year when the game lagged while i was buying sacs. this hurts a lot, especially since i used whistles to get my stock as high.
- Added for upcoming minipatch
Why not adding a week bonus for ship expeditions? like X week bonus +X% to ultinum or sac or whatever
- Expeditions are already heavily outbalanced. I don't want to toy with them until they get a serious review
Can we get a guild chat notification that guild well will expire soon, nothing says excitement like being surprised that your well just decreased.
- I think we can tie notifications for something like this in the Unity event system. Not likely to hit the flash version though, sorry.
Talking about guild chat: add a notification when a member joins? at the moment there's only a message when someone leaves
- Same applies via Unity
Can we get a notification orb when our ingame tickets status changes
- Same applies via Unity. This one is really important though, I agree. I have an in-game mail system designed, so perhaps we can tie it into that.
If you fail to log in (failure to login to the game, either due to maintenance or due to connection), on the login screen the 'log in' and 'close' buttons disappears, leaving only the words. You're forced to reload to be able to log in again.
- This was originally to prevent people from spamming the login while waiting for the request. I'll look into it.
Fix bingo or remove it from live till its actually working 100%
- This is Jay's priority when he returns from vacation.
1. Lack of usage for crystals
2. Lack of good usage for diamonds - fish, card x2 and fast tracking expedition is not something I want to blow my diamonds on at all times
1. Coming with 2nd layer to orbs
2. A new VIP will be coming soon. Also the pet arena expansion will probably bring a new sink to the game.
Thanks for participating, you can post a question/concern for next time over here -
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Discord Username: Level#0001
Discord Username: Level#0001