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Short Story Community Competition!
IGN: VisWiz
Title: Maintenance break
Genre: Comedy
Wordcount: 404

“I'm totally fed up,” grumbled the valkyre massaging her forearm. “I mean, how long can anyone stand this?”

“It's more than three years already,” agreed the pirate captain, “and we haven't had a single day off!”

“He promised us regular breaks too,” added the djinn. “'At least once a week', he said, but really it's been more like once a month.”

A group of barbarian heroes was sitting around a table in a dingy little tavern debating their jobs. Most of them were busy mending their armor or tending their bruises. At the next table, a few goblins were playing cards. In a corner, a group of zombies were exchanging limbs.

“And he doesn't nearly pay us enough gold,” chimed in a dwarf who was trying to hammer out a dent in his helmet. “Or diamonds for that matter,” he added as an afterthought.

“Do you know how much a nice curvy breastplate costs nowadays?” said the valkyre. “Quadrillions don't even get close. Inflation has become really bad.”

“The worst thing is that we're not even allowed to hit back,” added the dwarf. “I really would like to give some of those obnoxious adventurer kids a ding across the ear.”

“Or those damned critters they come up with,” said the pirate captain. His wooden leg appeared to be covered with bite and scratch marks. “They have gotten way too strong if you ask me.”

“My brother tells me he's got a much better job,” remarked the djinn. “With real fights and guaranteed breaks once a week. He's even allowed to cast spells from time to time.”

“Oh what would I give for the permission to cast a nice fire storm from time to time,” sighed the valkyre. “Or at least a small firebolt.”

At this point, the door to the tavern opened and a man wearing glasses and a t-shirt brandishing the slogan 'Real programmers see sharp' looked in. He clapped his hands and shouted into the room, “Up, up everyone! Back to your places! Maintenance break is over!” and vanished again.

“One day, I tell you. One day I'm going to quit this job,” said the valkyre.

“You say that every time, dear”, remarked the pirate captain.

“Yeah, I know. But what else can I do with my life? It's all I have,” sighed the valkyre as they all filed out.

Messages In This Thread
Short Story Community Competition! - Level - 02-02-2018, 03:54 PM
IGN: vexatyk - vexatyk - 02-06-2018, 04:16 PM
RE: Short Story Community Competition! - VisWiz - 02-24-2018, 06:37 AM

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