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Short Story Community Competition!
IGN: Sansara
Genre: Comical
Word Count: 432

"It's coming soon". What a disappointment.

Before v0.02a was released, the game was still interesting.

All players used to fight battles,

Clicking and using their skills to kill monsters. 

Except one; Ray.

Who just watched them enjoying the game, while he seethed and scowled

'Cause he couldn't bare to see them having fun in their spare time.

I remember Ray saying

Updates are coming soon!"

That's how the "improvements" began.

Of course Ray had created "Experience system" first.

The poor gamers. They all were the same and happy before, now they are different and unsatisfied

Because it's possible no more to reach the final goal.

You just need to run blindly forward, never able to stop and relax.

Yet people considered it being funny:

"Keep up the good work!"

"Awesome game Ray as always"

"Thank you Ray from me as well!"

"I've waited for an actual online idle game for so long!"

"Great job with the game!"

Trust me.

Every word I heard was absurd.

Yet each day Ray would open his editor

And change the source code.

Who else was smart enough to regularly maintain the game?

"Guilds" came next. Another punch in the gut.

Why would anybody need to come together?

Staying in large group made each individual responsible and dependent on others,

Investing stone to guild was instead of selling it for own good.

Still, players' foolishness was undeterred. And one day "Challenges" were released.

Everything just blew up. In chat, there was a wall of shouts and calls full of shrieks, wails, and all,

From players begging for help to complete the challenge they couldn't do by themself.

Who made this people so miserable? You know the answer.

What came next? As soon as Ray did all he could possibly do for this genre of game,

He created something absolutely different inside.

He created "Events" that were nothing compared to actual game.

False rewards made people do the same things again and again,

Mindlessly clicking and buying upgrades.

And after beating all the levels and reaching the end,

They saw "Harder difficulty" button appear!

Just monstrous!

And the final nail in the coffin was "expedition system"

Maybe it wasn't so bad at first, but after a while PVP battles began.

Do you know how difficult it is to wake up to alarm clock before week ends and progress throughout top100?

Rearranging your drones to beat particular opponent in a last second?

Do you hear that, Ray?

Please stop!

We need improvements no more.

Please return the game to the previous state.

To the version 0.01a



Messages In This Thread
Short Story Community Competition! - Level - 02-02-2018, 03:54 PM
IGN: vexatyk - vexatyk - 02-06-2018, 04:16 PM
RE: Short Story Community Competition! - 1raz - 02-23-2018, 03:02 PM

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