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Short Story Community Competition!
IGN: Senchingo
Category: Comical
Word Count: 499

Senchi in Wonderland

Chasing his dream to become the strongest of all heroes the universe has ever seen, he challenged every monster he could find and approached every adventure that could be taken - but his hunt should come to a sudden halt.
Senchi, as the adventurer trapped in a bears body was called, swung his sword towards a huge snake blocking his path, tripped, and fell into an endless dark hole...

Darkness surrounded him and when he woke up again, a sharp pain went through his body. "Ugh..." he mumbled, shaking his head trying to figure out what happened and where he was.
"Welcome to the Mystic Empire" a female voice said. All he could see was some shape of what he would have guessed was a duck.
"Uh... thanks? Where am i? Who are you? What is that *Empire*?" he asked, nervously scratching the back of his head.
He could see that there were many other creatures and felt his heart beating harder. Could there be children too?
"You are stuck with us now, we are the Empire, my name is Q" the duck replied - just for him to discover that it was not a duck but a platypus!
He could not believe his eyes, this was the weirdest looking thing he ever saw, and when a Ray of sunlight hit the cave, he started to get even more confused.
"Am i dead?" he asked, while checking out the other creatures that appeared in the background.
An oktopus with a monocle and a top hat, a tit, some weird pandas, a guy in speedos screaming at some other guy with an apple feeding a snake, a robot, a boxer wearing huge gloves, a talking jägermeister bottle, several cats, a pretzel with sunglasses, a troll and so many others.
He could not believe his eyes.
"No, you're alive. But... i have to tell you that..." the platypus stopped mid sentence.
"Listen, you're never gonna be able to leave this place again. And there are only adults in this world" the squid with the monocle finished the sentence.
"Noooooo!" the bear screamed in agony, not willing to accept his fate.
He doug through walls of stone, he cut down football field sized woods, he even used TNT here and there and found diamonds as a reward, but nothing helped him to escape the empire.

Nearly three years passed by and Sench became used to the fact that he will spend the rest of his life here.
He made friends, went on small challenges from time to time and even received his very own pet: A blue/purple haired panda called "S".
"You can keep it. Feed it from time to time and don't be too rough with it when you... play..." the broodmother said, handing him the fluffy thing.
"Thank you so much Q!" Senchi replied, with a big smile on his face.
He closed the front door, picked up the panda and carried it down to the basement.
"Bed time" he whispered.

Messages In This Thread
Short Story Community Competition! - Level - 02-02-2018, 03:54 PM
IGN: vexatyk - vexatyk - 02-06-2018, 04:16 PM
RE: Short Story Community Competition! - Senchingo - 02-08-2018, 08:40 AM

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