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Short Story Community Competition!
IGN : HawkX
Words : 395 / Characters : 2148
Type : Lore (maybe or comedy otherwise)

Counselor :
Sir! President Sir, we have a big problem!

President :
What is it counselor?

Counselor :
The economy is on the verge of collapsing! We though we were doing a good thing with the recent implementation but at the speed things are going, the worlds are going to run out of resources!

President :
Well it is true that it took all of our workforce many years to reach 250km depth in the mines in all of our 10 inhabited planets from Alpha to Kappa... and to cut thirty something acres of woods... and they are growing stronger and faster all the time. Some people have formed groups, organizations so strong we never envisioned such development.

Counselor :
Yes!! Many are already reaching 500km depth, while some are already arriving at 750! At this pace, they will get through every planets to their core and we will be left with nothing!

President :
We simply cannot let that happen! Could we perhaps try and distract the miners with some other activities? Something like Bingo or Fishing? Or we can just open up the closed up endless planet. That way we would not have to worry about anyone ever reaching the bottom.

Counselor :
We tried to distract them Sir, but it seems these people really have no life and stick to doing everything as much as they can! We even went as far as asking them to draw stuff in contests to pass the time, asked them to write stories, but nothing worked. They are still growing at an alarming rate. The endless planet might be our only hope.

President :
You should not worry so much! The entire galactic federation will be alright. We will eventually release the B.E.A.S.T. Program and everyone will forget about this and move on. We also have the pets program, everyone was given a pet to take care of, and from the statistics, we know people absolutely love their pets. We have been planing a pet expansion for some time now. This will keep them occupied. And should they get to the bottom of the mines, we will release the endless mine and nobody will even see the difference.

Counselor :
You are so wise Mr. President, with all the amazing changes you are planning, I am sure our people will be happy for years to come.

Messages In This Thread
Short Story Community Competition! - Level - 02-02-2018, 03:54 PM
RE: Short Story Community Competition! - HawkX - 02-06-2018, 02:35 AM
IGN: vexatyk - vexatyk - 02-06-2018, 04:16 PM

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