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Short Story Community Competition!
Username: erebs
Genre: fantasy?

Long, long ago, in the dark times of IOU, where ville Yahoo was causing mischief and pets sucked hard, there were many Mystics who tried to survive. Like many others, the Mystics were obsessed with dreams of power - making offerings to gods in hopes of achieving it faster. This was not as effective as nowadays, but it still gave them hope. One day, a stranger appeared and he wanted to join the Mystics. He was very clever and proved that his rise for power was real, so he easily merged with the Mystics. Days passed, and the stranger shared his stories with the Mystics, teaching them how to obtain even more power faster. They were confused and doubted him at first, and yet the stranger proved his words and the bolder Mystics approached to achieve greater power.
Tragically, one day without warning, those who received the stranger's gifts were exiled from IOU Lands, for giving fake offerings to the gods, making them terribly angry. The stranger disappeared suddenly, while one of the exiled Mystics prayed to the gods so that they would hear his concerns. And so it happened, that Ray, God of creation, heard the prayers, and after listening to how the Mystics were tricked by the stranger, Ray lifted the banishment of that one Mystic.
Upon returning to his fellow Mystics and looking at the damage wreaked by the stranger, this chosen Mystic left his fellow companions and went on a long journey to explore more of the Lands of IOU...

Years passed, and I am Chaos now. Who knows how the story would go, if not for that one stranger...

Messages In This Thread
Short Story Community Competition! - Level - 02-02-2018, 03:54 PM
RE: Short Story Community Competition! - erebs - 02-03-2018, 06:28 AM
IGN: vexatyk - vexatyk - 02-06-2018, 04:16 PM

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