Would it be possible to get bundle purchase for recoupable EP packs in the future?
- As in just buying 2-3 of them at once? Maybe...we'd definitely have to change the way pricing works for such a setup. I'm going to say yes, but not something we can look at in short-term.
Can we make an option to AP fast track all the levels in pet arena, or at least make it so that dialog box is closable by clicking anywhere on the screen?
- Pet arena will be getting an overhaul soon! I'm sure we can squeeze this kind of improvement in. Join us in beta testing it when it's ready so we don't forget!
Could we get a pop-up button if you have not done pet arena that day?
- Same as the above question, this is perfect feedback soon when the pet arena overhaul comes into play.
Would it be possible to get a downgrade node option? We all know how painful map redoing is
- This was actually set up, but we realized there were some issues because of connected nodes. We determined that it might make sense to improve the entire system as a whole when it comes to unity instead of touching base with it right now.
Can we please reenable boosting to some capasity. If newbies are supposed to get up to speed and catch up to top guilds they are going to need atleast some levels. I think it would be fair to able to boost them to 1k at minimum without any nerf rates.
- It doesn't take ages to reach 1k. I think newbies have plenty enough boosts and perks that never existed for others in the past right now. Boosting was also never disabled; its exploitive nature was simply removed.
What do you think about an auto dabber that removes your chance at the number 1 prize? This way people who can't play bingo can still get rewarded
- We'll be considering minor bingo changes later this month. Automation is a topic we'll be going over.
Make the wishing well change colors as we get higher levels
- lol, might be cool but I will be avoiding any visual improvements within the flash client for now since it all has to be redone in unity.
Name change for higher levels? (Don't care about the cost!)
- Maybe higher levels but I think most people that would complain the most are going to be players that still don't fit into the criteria. We have an issue with the score database where changing names would duplicate your scores with both names, and it's not the cleanest fix, hence the majority of our reluctance. Beyond that, we relate everyone to their names now; high end players who change their name cause me and Jay quite a bit of confusion.
Take away the ability to turn off treasure spawns now that treasure mobs have the same HP as regular mobs
- Makes sense...I won't include it in unity client.
Add event/weekly card bonus to /cmd cardmultiplier
- Given that task to Jay to setup for a future patch near you.
VIP upgrade like double cards, but its double dps for a few days
- Sorry, I feel that's too overpowered
Guild message should be displayed here
![[Image: x9jvDF6.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/x9jvDF6.jpg)
- Added to trello board, I agree.
Ray, would you consider using crowdin.com as a platform for localizations (translations)?
- Probably not. This isn't broad software, and is a game with unique names and abbreviations where I think creating tools and allowing the community to work on improving translations would be a better fit for us
Why no weekday bingo?
- Originally it was only going to be one day a week. We turned it into the weekend. It's not perfect for everyone but most should have the opportunity.
Can we get a system where either, 1, offline group players auto use stamina and mana, to say 50% of their total, 2, they have it transferred to online player who is using stamina/mana?
- This kind of thing won't be focused on, sorry.
Not directly a question.....but ray could you please be more detailed about your comment about rankings? do you want to get rid of rankings (instead of extending them)?
- I don't want to get rid of rankings. I just feel they need to be presented in a different manner (perhaps providing self progress). This isn't a solution i've dug into yet, just something I will need to eventually.
Support xp and total diamonds are not the same. Giving out diamonds without sup should be possible
- Contact me. I'm not understanding something here.
What have you in your mind Ray rehauling woodcutting to the state we have now. Whats a bigger picture behind giving some players couple of milions log advantage - price scaling you used for new upgrades casue that ( at current state of the game that tranfers for couple years of acitve playing)
- Gold logs will be balanced soon. Those who participated in testing would know this, but it was the fairest system of crediting contrary to beliefs. The issue is simply with gold log progression at this point.
Can we get a way to cancel registering for bingo? lost a ticket this morning because friends decided to go eat
- Likely not possible, at least for a while.
Can we get rid of the ap option for click and auto base damage? it shouldnt be hard and would probably make everyone feel better?
- UI changes will be done for the Unity client. I'll be doing those windows in stages in the beta testing channel. Could always use feedback when the time comes for that.
Any update on resetting my stone energy upgrades?
- Not sure who you are (these questions are anonymous by the time I answer them) or what you're asking. Contact me or Jay
Can you make the pet training flashing icon stop flashing?
- I cannot reproduce a flashing? Can you post a short gif of this?
Would it be possible to implement 'find a party' by damage? (by level range is hard to find similar damage party)
- It's a good idea. Level disparity vs power grows further and further. I'll try to bring it up in conversations soon.
For any event, can you put a 12 hours claim limit (freeze everything else, ex; freeze pp gain for this event) after the event for people that sleep or work or go to school or ... having to share account information for a last claim should not be a solution
- Unfortunately this will not become a feature. Too many complications due to too many systems, bonuses, currencies, etc.
Can you add a download button to http://www.iourpg.com? i dont like it to search for the link in the source code in order to get the .swf
- When the unity client is in beta, a desktop auto-updating version will be made available. Otherwise, people tend to download the swf and run into cache issues with versions, so I don't officially support it.
Can we get all wood/stone rewards, including from codes as corresponding NRG?
- Added to the trello board!
I hate it when the tree HP gets resetted when I press FORFEIT by accident. Can you change that?
- Will add confirmation window to it. Added to trello board
The throw rate of snowballs on the event is quite unamusing. How about you can config the snowball rate per second?
- It's server side and there can be people who stocked up hundreds doing the action once per second. It can bog the client or server, so this is how it is.
Ray do you think that new players may be at a disadvantage, in terms of catching up their wood cutting production, because code rewards (and potentially other rewards that are in the form of regular logs) cannot be used to directly upgrade woodcutting?
- Similar question above. Gold logs will be rebalanced a bit.
Ahm, can we have something like when doing "challenge" when the party is full there's a ding sound in the bingo when Bingo will begin in 10min or 5min or 2min something?
- For the meantime this isn't going to be integrated/focused on, sorry.
Do you play or look at other idle games to get inspired with some ideas others have? If you play other idle games which ones do you play?
- I don't play them anymore but I do check out game's/mechanics very briefly when I keep hearing a name of one over and over.
Possible to increase guild to max of 50 members?
- I don't think this would be wise as it'll allow stacking of top guilds even further.
Diamond resource square from bingo is 20, ap is 10, i feel these are fine, however sacrificial offerings/ultinum/mining -woodcutting energy is too low, sitting at values between 1-2, any chance to increase them to 5 or 10?
- Maybe...we'll likely be looking at the bingo pack reward scaling soonish so that is something we can consider.
Could we get a button to switch between mining and wood cutting? I doubt there are many people who do them independently.
- Not a bad idea...something that may be good via the Unity client.
When are we going to get a display for "constant" dps for ourselves? Like the one that we see for the party members.... I can't accurately figure out the exact dps that I'm doing with the changing numbers!
- I posted a shot of a WIP new character window that includes new stats for Unity; this will more than likely be included there.
Can fish value could be exchange for fish points? like for 500k fish value = 10k fish points?
-You mean the upgrade points? That will not happen. The 'clams' are purely from fishing milestone.
Could we get an auto advance option?
- I noticed during the promotion on Kongregate with the pour in of new players that this was something that bothered them. I personally don't like the idea of it because you don't even need to advance later on, but I will be considering it for Unity client.
How about auto progress in inferno mode after x amount of cards has been reached?
- This was posted on Kong. I mentioned i'd look into it via party management or something.
Will we get an API before beast?
- We had an API set up on the old database but once we switched we never jumped on it again. I honestly couldn't tell you.
Challenges: Group: As current Group Challenges sound is 1 ding if party is full. Is it possible to you add a feature where 1 ding is when every members join and 2-3 or 5 dings if party is full?
- Might be able to set this up via the options if it's widely desired.
Is there any gold upgrades rework coming?
- Coming? Yes. Soon? Not in hindsight atm.
Why is ep threshold based off player with top ep and not total ep that could have ever been earned?
- The two are currently the same right now.
Do you consider adding new things into the daily code pool like: Bingo tickets, dynamite, NRG?
- Yeah we need to replace wood/mining with nrg at least, but I don't see why we wouldn't add those are a smaller random chance.
Shouldnt expeditions be called something else now that it's not just expeditions anymore?
- Such as? =p
Now that crystals cannot be sacrificed and I have opened all orbs and I am starting to accumulate quite a number of them, what will crystals be used for in the future?
- 2nd layer of orbs. There will be new orbs but there will also be a way to spend your left over crystals on improving all your orbs by a very small increment.
Can we replace beast dmg with something that actually does something? S.O xp would be nice
- It'll remain for now. Consider it a padding of nothing in the meantime.
Another one: Since we have dynamite for mining, why not chainsaws for woodcutting? have a similar system where one unit of chainsaw fuel is equal to like 20-30 clicks of normal damage or something like that?
- Something like this has been suggested for a long time by several. Not really sure why we never did chainsaw, or I forget the reason. It's definitely something we can consider.
Make anything that boosts gold also boost gold logs?
- Too many gold boosts. We will be looking at options for gold logs very soon.
Multiple uses for all single use currencies, if there is only once use, there is no choice in it's use, and thus very little variety
- New shop system planned will procedurally generate (virtually) random deals to trade currencies, so it is a big possibility.
Thanks everybody for the questions.
If you wish to post a question for the next Q & A, you can do so over here - http://iourpg.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2535
- As in just buying 2-3 of them at once? Maybe...we'd definitely have to change the way pricing works for such a setup. I'm going to say yes, but not something we can look at in short-term.
Can we make an option to AP fast track all the levels in pet arena, or at least make it so that dialog box is closable by clicking anywhere on the screen?
- Pet arena will be getting an overhaul soon! I'm sure we can squeeze this kind of improvement in. Join us in beta testing it when it's ready so we don't forget!
Could we get a pop-up button if you have not done pet arena that day?
- Same as the above question, this is perfect feedback soon when the pet arena overhaul comes into play.
Would it be possible to get a downgrade node option? We all know how painful map redoing is
- This was actually set up, but we realized there were some issues because of connected nodes. We determined that it might make sense to improve the entire system as a whole when it comes to unity instead of touching base with it right now.
Can we please reenable boosting to some capasity. If newbies are supposed to get up to speed and catch up to top guilds they are going to need atleast some levels. I think it would be fair to able to boost them to 1k at minimum without any nerf rates.
- It doesn't take ages to reach 1k. I think newbies have plenty enough boosts and perks that never existed for others in the past right now. Boosting was also never disabled; its exploitive nature was simply removed.
What do you think about an auto dabber that removes your chance at the number 1 prize? This way people who can't play bingo can still get rewarded
- We'll be considering minor bingo changes later this month. Automation is a topic we'll be going over.
Make the wishing well change colors as we get higher levels

- lol, might be cool but I will be avoiding any visual improvements within the flash client for now since it all has to be redone in unity.
Name change for higher levels? (Don't care about the cost!)
- Maybe higher levels but I think most people that would complain the most are going to be players that still don't fit into the criteria. We have an issue with the score database where changing names would duplicate your scores with both names, and it's not the cleanest fix, hence the majority of our reluctance. Beyond that, we relate everyone to their names now; high end players who change their name cause me and Jay quite a bit of confusion.
Take away the ability to turn off treasure spawns now that treasure mobs have the same HP as regular mobs
- Makes sense...I won't include it in unity client.
Add event/weekly card bonus to /cmd cardmultiplier
- Given that task to Jay to setup for a future patch near you.
VIP upgrade like double cards, but its double dps for a few days
- Sorry, I feel that's too overpowered
Guild message should be displayed here
![[Image: x9jvDF6.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/x9jvDF6.jpg)
- Added to trello board, I agree.
Ray, would you consider using crowdin.com as a platform for localizations (translations)?
- Probably not. This isn't broad software, and is a game with unique names and abbreviations where I think creating tools and allowing the community to work on improving translations would be a better fit for us
Why no weekday bingo?
- Originally it was only going to be one day a week. We turned it into the weekend. It's not perfect for everyone but most should have the opportunity.
Can we get a system where either, 1, offline group players auto use stamina and mana, to say 50% of their total, 2, they have it transferred to online player who is using stamina/mana?
- This kind of thing won't be focused on, sorry.
Not directly a question.....but ray could you please be more detailed about your comment about rankings? do you want to get rid of rankings (instead of extending them)?
- I don't want to get rid of rankings. I just feel they need to be presented in a different manner (perhaps providing self progress). This isn't a solution i've dug into yet, just something I will need to eventually.
Support xp and total diamonds are not the same. Giving out diamonds without sup should be possible
- Contact me. I'm not understanding something here.
What have you in your mind Ray rehauling woodcutting to the state we have now. Whats a bigger picture behind giving some players couple of milions log advantage - price scaling you used for new upgrades casue that ( at current state of the game that tranfers for couple years of acitve playing)
- Gold logs will be balanced soon. Those who participated in testing would know this, but it was the fairest system of crediting contrary to beliefs. The issue is simply with gold log progression at this point.
Can we get a way to cancel registering for bingo? lost a ticket this morning because friends decided to go eat
- Likely not possible, at least for a while.
Can we get rid of the ap option for click and auto base damage? it shouldnt be hard and would probably make everyone feel better?
- UI changes will be done for the Unity client. I'll be doing those windows in stages in the beta testing channel. Could always use feedback when the time comes for that.
Any update on resetting my stone energy upgrades?
- Not sure who you are (these questions are anonymous by the time I answer them) or what you're asking. Contact me or Jay
Can you make the pet training flashing icon stop flashing?
- I cannot reproduce a flashing? Can you post a short gif of this?
Would it be possible to implement 'find a party' by damage? (by level range is hard to find similar damage party)
- It's a good idea. Level disparity vs power grows further and further. I'll try to bring it up in conversations soon.
For any event, can you put a 12 hours claim limit (freeze everything else, ex; freeze pp gain for this event) after the event for people that sleep or work or go to school or ... having to share account information for a last claim should not be a solution
- Unfortunately this will not become a feature. Too many complications due to too many systems, bonuses, currencies, etc.
Can you add a download button to http://www.iourpg.com? i dont like it to search for the link in the source code in order to get the .swf
- When the unity client is in beta, a desktop auto-updating version will be made available. Otherwise, people tend to download the swf and run into cache issues with versions, so I don't officially support it.
Can we get all wood/stone rewards, including from codes as corresponding NRG?
- Added to the trello board!
I hate it when the tree HP gets resetted when I press FORFEIT by accident. Can you change that?
- Will add confirmation window to it. Added to trello board
The throw rate of snowballs on the event is quite unamusing. How about you can config the snowball rate per second?
- It's server side and there can be people who stocked up hundreds doing the action once per second. It can bog the client or server, so this is how it is.
Ray do you think that new players may be at a disadvantage, in terms of catching up their wood cutting production, because code rewards (and potentially other rewards that are in the form of regular logs) cannot be used to directly upgrade woodcutting?
- Similar question above. Gold logs will be rebalanced a bit.
Ahm, can we have something like when doing "challenge" when the party is full there's a ding sound in the bingo when Bingo will begin in 10min or 5min or 2min something?
- For the meantime this isn't going to be integrated/focused on, sorry.
Do you play or look at other idle games to get inspired with some ideas others have? If you play other idle games which ones do you play?
- I don't play them anymore but I do check out game's/mechanics very briefly when I keep hearing a name of one over and over.
Possible to increase guild to max of 50 members?
- I don't think this would be wise as it'll allow stacking of top guilds even further.
Diamond resource square from bingo is 20, ap is 10, i feel these are fine, however sacrificial offerings/ultinum/mining -woodcutting energy is too low, sitting at values between 1-2, any chance to increase them to 5 or 10?
- Maybe...we'll likely be looking at the bingo pack reward scaling soonish so that is something we can consider.
Could we get a button to switch between mining and wood cutting? I doubt there are many people who do them independently.
- Not a bad idea...something that may be good via the Unity client.
When are we going to get a display for "constant" dps for ourselves? Like the one that we see for the party members.... I can't accurately figure out the exact dps that I'm doing with the changing numbers!
- I posted a shot of a WIP new character window that includes new stats for Unity; this will more than likely be included there.
Can fish value could be exchange for fish points? like for 500k fish value = 10k fish points?
-You mean the upgrade points? That will not happen. The 'clams' are purely from fishing milestone.
Could we get an auto advance option?
- I noticed during the promotion on Kongregate with the pour in of new players that this was something that bothered them. I personally don't like the idea of it because you don't even need to advance later on, but I will be considering it for Unity client.
How about auto progress in inferno mode after x amount of cards has been reached?
- This was posted on Kong. I mentioned i'd look into it via party management or something.
Will we get an API before beast?
- We had an API set up on the old database but once we switched we never jumped on it again. I honestly couldn't tell you.
Challenges: Group: As current Group Challenges sound is 1 ding if party is full. Is it possible to you add a feature where 1 ding is when every members join and 2-3 or 5 dings if party is full?
- Might be able to set this up via the options if it's widely desired.
Is there any gold upgrades rework coming?
- Coming? Yes. Soon? Not in hindsight atm.
Why is ep threshold based off player with top ep and not total ep that could have ever been earned?
- The two are currently the same right now.
Do you consider adding new things into the daily code pool like: Bingo tickets, dynamite, NRG?
- Yeah we need to replace wood/mining with nrg at least, but I don't see why we wouldn't add those are a smaller random chance.
Shouldnt expeditions be called something else now that it's not just expeditions anymore?
- Such as? =p
Now that crystals cannot be sacrificed and I have opened all orbs and I am starting to accumulate quite a number of them, what will crystals be used for in the future?
- 2nd layer of orbs. There will be new orbs but there will also be a way to spend your left over crystals on improving all your orbs by a very small increment.
Can we replace beast dmg with something that actually does something? S.O xp would be nice
- It'll remain for now. Consider it a padding of nothing in the meantime.
Another one: Since we have dynamite for mining, why not chainsaws for woodcutting? have a similar system where one unit of chainsaw fuel is equal to like 20-30 clicks of normal damage or something like that?
- Something like this has been suggested for a long time by several. Not really sure why we never did chainsaw, or I forget the reason. It's definitely something we can consider.
Make anything that boosts gold also boost gold logs?
- Too many gold boosts. We will be looking at options for gold logs very soon.
Multiple uses for all single use currencies, if there is only once use, there is no choice in it's use, and thus very little variety
- New shop system planned will procedurally generate (virtually) random deals to trade currencies, so it is a big possibility.
Thanks everybody for the questions.
If you wish to post a question for the next Q & A, you can do so over here - http://iourpg.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2535
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