Poll: Expand the current Expedition System?
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Expanded Expeditions
So there was some discussion not too long ago about how to reward f2p players without giving them too much, and how to not completely destroy the p2w gap that people love so damn much. This has been mentioned a few times in the conversations, but I believe in needs its own separate thread so that people can agree with it.

The solution is simple - expand expeditions. Expeditions are currently only affected by activity, and it needs to stay that way for the solution to work.

Even adding more content to expeditions would be nice, which I have no suggestions for. It takes a little while to max all of them currently, and I myself is currently sitting at 4547 expedition points with 161 days played. 

If you continue with the current space ship price the next one costs 8400. I don't believe anyone has enough for that unless they were pre-kong...so changing the prices might be an idea also. Or even adding more ways to get expedition points would help with that, but either way - expand expeditions.
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This is definitely something that is needed and that fits well with what Ray said is a direction he wants to towards. I see no reason for this not to be implemented really.
I do think expeditions need more options for upgrades, but that is a lot of points to save up.

I haven't been on IOU for more than 2 or 3 months, but every optimizer will tell you to to save up for the additional ships right off the bat and I only bought my last ship fairly recently (thought the blackhole 500 exp point reward would be more worthwhile). It took a lot of time and can feel out of reach for quite a while. I can't imagine that even, say, thrusters will feel worthwhile when a fourth ship would add so much to efficiency, but going so long between simply claiming and buying an upgrade is tough.

Maybe, if an additional ship is added, it could be locked behind level ~10 in each upgrade. Or expedition points could be spent to boost success rates/speed or spent to combine AP/Diamond rewards (who even runs gold expeditions?).

Expeditions have some issues in general. Why does the long diamond expedition take 20 hours baseline and only rewards 2x the medium 8 hour reward? Are gold expeditions just a newbie trap?
I am for the idea.

Sitting at 18,256 expedition points that have no real purpose right now. They can also be found in random codes, so unless we have something to spend them on, expedition points from random codes are a sigh of bad luck.

The expansion to 4th droid and 5 more upgrades will require (based on current prices) 11,100 points. This is where it shouldn't end.

Expeditions provide gold (useless), AP (semi-good, takes ages to gather AP for auto-speed ugprades) and diamonds (good, can sustaine 2x cards and have spare diamonds for other things). With the expansion, crystals could be obtainable via expeditions. They are the currency that matches the idea of expeditions (send ship to gather minerals from other planet etc). Reasonable amounts like = the ones from AP expeditions could make this not too overpowered.

Further expansion could provide the way to boost expeditions. Like instant completions, no fail insurance, boosted rewards (x2), ensured more rewards (it brings 100-300% more) etc. These boosts willbe purchasable once the expeiditon is started. They will work with only one expedition and only one boost can be purchased at once for each expedition. You get the idea. Oh, and thoses boosts cost expedition points.
I am a Nerd.  Angel
(12-26-2015, 06:33 PM)Brouwer Wrote: I am for the idea.

Sitting at 18,256 expedition points that have no real purpose right now. They can also be found in random codes, so unless we have something to spend them on, expedition points from random codes are a sigh of bad luck.

The expansion to 4th droid and 5 more upgrades will require (based on current prices) 11,100 points. This is where it shouldn't end.

Expeditions provide gold (useless), AP (semi-good, takes ages to gather AP for auto-speed ugprades) and diamonds (good, can sustaine 2x cards and have spare diamonds for other things). With the expansion, crystals could be obtainable via expeditions. They are the currency that matches the idea of expeditions (send ship to gather minerals from other planet etc). Reasonable amounts like = the ones from AP expeditions could make this not too overpowered.

Further expansion could provide the way to boost expeditions. Like instant completions, no fail insurance, boosted rewards (x2), ensured more rewards (it brings 100-300% more) etc. These boosts willbe purchasable once the expeiditon is started. They will work with only one expedition and only one boost can be purchased at once for each expedition. You get the idea. Oh, and thoses boosts cost expedition points.

I like it!
You have a shit ton of expedition points though....
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I maxed everything out a long time back and am sitting here with a ton of exp points and nothing to use them on so I'd be more than happy for some new stuff to buy with them. I do agree that it's something that needs to be expanded upon because as you said it's something that closes the gap between free players and pay players and there's no way to buy advancement in it.

That being said, I am against lowering the cost of upgrades. I feel like if you want to put the time in to get further than you should be rewarded for such, it shouldn't just be made easier for the people that don't want to.
Sorry to double post here but, I'm also wondering why there's no option to undo an expedition. I know it doesn't happen very often, but every now and then I accidentally click the wrong expedition and once done I can't stop it.
(12-27-2015, 10:51 AM)FadedSentry Wrote: Sorry to double post here but, I'm also wondering why there's no option to undo an expedition. I know it doesn't happen very often, but every now and then I accidentally click the wrong expedition and once done I can't stop it.

I honestly have no clue. I suggested it one time and someone said something about abusing it, but I don't see how you would abuse that.
You can usually find me here!
Something with expeditions without a doubt has to happen in the future.

I would like 24h AP expedition and new content as well


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