Recently with the new series challenge system, challenge millstones have been % based.
This makes your base damage only add your completion challenge bonus.
Why not take that % bonus from the challenges, and add it to the base damage?
It fully effects your DPS, and i'd personally love to see how much it's helping.
To people who want to see the (for me) +330 bonus from completion why not just have a similar
Presentation then what has happened with the card bonus?
- When you go to challenges and click 'normal' underneath the challenges would show your bonus completion damage.
(Of course the completion damage would be added to the % bonus for base damage.)
This doesn't actually change your damage, but see more accurately what it is.
Would be:
Challenge Boost = (Challenge completion bonus + (BaseDamage * (%milestoneDECIMAL+%seriesDECIMAL)))
[When I say Base damage, I mean as if the completion bonus hasn't been accounted for]
Recently with the new series challenge system, challenge millstones have been % based.
This makes your base damage only add your completion challenge bonus.
Why not take that % bonus from the challenges, and add it to the base damage?
It fully effects your DPS, and i'd personally love to see how much it's helping.
To people who want to see the (for me) +330 bonus from completion why not just have a similar
Presentation then what has happened with the card bonus?
- When you go to challenges and click 'normal' underneath the challenges would show your bonus completion damage.
(Of course the completion damage would be added to the % bonus for base damage.)
This doesn't actually change your damage, but see more accurately what it is.
Would be:
Challenge Boost = (Challenge completion bonus + (BaseDamage * (%milestoneDECIMAL+%seriesDECIMAL)))
[When I say Base damage, I mean as if the completion bonus hasn't been accounted for]