(12-21-2015, 07:23 PM)pimc Wrote: 1.if i was to be rude i was talking about fking update screwing fking mid levels. I was blunt,thats me
2.carried in challenges? at lvl100 i was stronger than lvl 130, at lvl130 stronger than proud lvl200 people being carried and getting that in 7days, my card bonus is bigger than 2500 from challenges i lost; thats why i needed "carrier"in duo, i am sure that with another patient built char like mine i could do the duo challenges
btw i did first 3 of ragestone solo challenges before lvl 140 being in ascension1, does it sound good enough for you?
3.carried in challenges? that is still the same thing for all
4. idk what was few months ago, this is my 35th day and i got lvl140 without being a bagger
i am more annoyed that i was forced to ascend and i am so not looking forward to kill garden snakes for days like i did not a long time ago, i was changing the mobs daily so it wasnt boring,,but now....
whatever,i stop checking this useless forum,good luck to all happy high level people
PS all of you pretending this "balance" is great used the old rewards,and planned (or not) your game according with them, amazing how fast you forget and how happy you are for mid lvls being severely nerfed
1. Mid lvls were overpowered because of how high challenge milestones were and how easily they were obtainable.
2. Uhm I don't get your point.
3. Same, but with more balanced rewards that don't double your dps just because someone carried you.
4. Few months ago hitting 140 required ~3 months and you had 1 lvl per day if lucky.
Forced to ascend? Seriously, the point of this game is to ascend to fight stronger mobs = get lvls and gold faster. If you choose to be AT1 lvl 140, it is your call, not my or anyone else'. Being in that state is super inefficient. Poeple do this for fun with alts, not with main accounts.
Lastly, mid lvls were buffed so many times it takes just a few weeks to hit 200, not 4 months that took me to get there.
You gave your opinion. But you forgot two things:
1. The rebalancing favours higher lvls, meaning that once you hit higher lvl, you will notice buff, not nerf.
2. This system is in "beta", so changes are possible.
But yeah, screw it, it is better to ragequit.