List constructive feedback about the UI changes and I'll attempt to keep this post Updated.
-Reposition chat, make it smaller
-White bar under red monster's hp bar should start be as wide as the hp bar. Them being different in size is weird.
-Leave Party and Chat buttons are too close. One can quit the party by a mistake instead of having pleasure chatting.
-This is well known, but inf-tier and cards display are so tiny I can barely read them.
-Why party member nicknames are italicized?
- I don't really like the way monsters are now supsended in the middle of the screen, instead of being placed a bit lower. The same with coin spaws. This looks so weird.
- Chest claim timer could be 1-2 points worth of font size bigger.
-I'd suggest ordering bottom resources in upgrades screen as they appear in the screen: wood, stones, asc points and trophies.
-Character representation on party box (that yellow guy) overlaps character's level.
- The catch button (fishing) looks weird with so narrow and high letters.
-The big S looks like a $ in this font it is odd.
-Reposition chat, make it smaller
-White bar under red monster's hp bar should start be as wide as the hp bar. Them being different in size is weird.
-Leave Party and Chat buttons are too close. One can quit the party by a mistake instead of having pleasure chatting.
-This is well known, but inf-tier and cards display are so tiny I can barely read them.
-Why party member nicknames are italicized?
- I don't really like the way monsters are now supsended in the middle of the screen, instead of being placed a bit lower. The same with coin spaws. This looks so weird.
- Chest claim timer could be 1-2 points worth of font size bigger.
-I'd suggest ordering bottom resources in upgrades screen as they appear in the screen: wood, stones, asc points and trophies.
-Character representation on party box (that yellow guy) overlaps character's level.
- The catch button (fishing) looks weird with so narrow and high letters.
-The big S looks like a $ in this font it is odd.