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party bug, fighting the wrong monster
I was just joining a team, "JASMINYOUTO" was the team's name is the party-search, which was already in a team with another player (but I forgot the name). "world 4, zone 15" was their current status, where they were fighting, before I joined the team. I was joining them and got automatically redirected to "world 4, zone 1", but the enemy was named "Elder Captain", but it's image was not fitting to the background, because 1) it's the wrong zone & 2) he was standing in the middle of the background's ocean (not on the isle, where he should stand normally). I forgot to take a screenshot, but I knew, that this enemy isn't at zone 1, so I immediately disbanded me from the team by myself. I was also unsure about their amount of attacks, I think, that I saw about 5 low-amount ones, but with 3 players in a team (including me), there should be 6 pet-attacks, but maybe I was just too short in this team to recognize more details...

my player's name is: Mystique

and this happened just before some minutes ago and it fits to this topic, so I thought letting you know about it. my cache isn't that full, so I think, that clearing it, won't change many things for this situation?

I hope, that these details can help you figuring out, where the issue is coming from or that it's helping you, fixing it :-)

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RE: party bug, fighting the wrong monster - xXtheoXx - 05-18-2015, 01:53 AM

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