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Short Story Community Competition!
Genre: Comedy
IGN: CrimsonKing
Title: IOU The Beginning

In the beginning Ray created the heavens and the earth, and planets that were rich with life and treasures that were ripe for the taking. Ray looked down at his creation, and was pleased with his work but something was missing. Thus Ray created guilds so that all his players could live in harmony with one another, working together to build each other up and grow stronger as was his intention.

As time passed however, Ray saw that one guild was growing exponentially faster than all others, they were creating chaos amongst his masterpiece. Ray looked on frustrated but slightly amused as they surpassed all who stood in their way, guild by guild as they rose to the top. In an effort to slow their growth, Ray used his divine powers and passed laws throughout the universe that would hinder their growth…or so he thought. However, try as he might their power grew without constraint breaking every barrier he created.

Ray as powerful as he was, knew at that point he needed help and thus created another powerful being who would aid him in his work to try and contain the insanity that he had unleashed. It was at that moment in time that Jay was born, he would be the universe’s savior and Ray’s only begotten creator. Jay, like Ray, not only similar in name but bound to creating more throughout the universe set out to create his first contribution.

Meanwhile, the guild who grew to be hated. Whose members fly farther than any others, decided to expand. Reaching out with their mighty grasp, they enlisted two more guilds and with their wisdom and power, created an alliance that the universe had never seen before. Now, not only was the chaos growing unhinged but with it total disorder.
Finally, Jay had seen enough. He concentrated all of his time, his effort, and his life even and with great satisfaction upon completion cried out, “BINGO!!” For he had finally done it, he had created a means to slow down that which could not be slowed. Now they too would be bound by law and constraint, they too would feel the wrath of time, they too would obey the laws of the universe and they too would kneel before the mercy of their creators.

Jay had done it, and Ray was pleased but the people of the universe were not. For the people never are, no matter how much their creators give they always want more. Thus Jay was taken to the chopping block as the people complained and hung him out to dry. But there will be a time when he will return and in doing so, all those who believed in him will reap the rewards that he bestows.

Messages In This Thread
Short Story Community Competition! - Level - 02-02-2018, 03:54 PM
RE: Short Story Community Competition! - CRIMSONKING - 02-03-2018, 01:53 AM
IGN: vexatyk - vexatyk - 02-06-2018, 04:16 PM

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