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Levels for players already in challenge group
Hey I love the look of the new challenge window, and I hate to make a suggestion on it already it possible to make it so we can see the levels of the people already in a challenge before joining?

This is especially a problem when you see a group that's 5/6 for say....Gold Uhg and you join only to see 5 people that are below level 40 knowing there's absolutely 0% chance of you finishing. This also applies for duo's, it would be nice to know the level of the person I'm going to duo with before joining the group so I'd know if there's even a reason to join.
I think it looks great as it is! However I do agree with you about almost full challenges, that can be annoying!

What if we could click some sort of "Details" window that would give us a popup to show us the names/levels of those already joined?
I like this idea as well as the ability to filter what challenges are visible (turn off rats, bronze, etc)
Good ideas, I'm sure a lot will benefit from these.

The newer layout is a big leap from where it was, but I agree it still has a ways to go.

Out of curiosity, how prioritized would these (challenge related) updates be in terms of what you'd like to see Ray work on sooner vs later? (New features vs new content vs improving current features, etc.)
Just my opinion, but personally I find improving current features to be the best. Since this game was just recently rolled out on Kongregate and vastly increased our player base, I would think we'd want what's already in as polished as possible before moving forward. I do however feel like this does come at the risk of losing some long time players as they may get bored by not having new contest to engage with, but seeing as how quick Ray is at getting out updates I believe focusing on polishing what's in for the majority should be priority over the slight few we may lose by doing so.
Even just seeing the level of the other person for duos, or the level limit set for groups would be useful.
Implement 'Inspect' button for challenge groups that would pull up the window of the challenge group ("Name level") - like the same window you can get when you join and hit the challenge group button on the side when not full. Seeing a different colored text (Lv X+) next to the name or in the inspect window is also relevant info for some people.

In terms of polish or more new content? I feel that a good mix help the best, having a patch or two of a couple of small polishes or one big polish then fielding a new content patch helps.

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