03-25-2016, 04:15 PM
Hey Ray and Team Ray..Iou lol,
It's 2016, things are now settling down server wise with a few kinks more to work out. Maybe we could have another IOU competition off of the game, as something fun to do. With prizes and such. In the past the drawing event and blame bob event were fun. (RIP bob). Maybe this time it can be a guild effort, to award more winners lol. Best joke maybe, related to IOU ( no 18+ discord jokes )
It's 2016, things are now settling down server wise with a few kinks more to work out. Maybe we could have another IOU competition off of the game, as something fun to do. With prizes and such. In the past the drawing event and blame bob event were fun. (RIP bob). Maybe this time it can be a guild effort, to award more winners lol. Best joke maybe, related to IOU ( no 18+ discord jokes )