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Need chat mods for spammers
Over the past few days, I have seen easily 50-100 messages in region chat spam advertising a certain game(Most everyone knows what I'm talking about). I guess the dev of that game is so desperate for money/players that he's asking people to spam the games link in other popular games chatrooms Dodgy Seems a bit suspicious that more than just a few people would be spam advertising it just because they like it. Since Ray isn't around, nothing can be done about these people. Need some form of chat moderation to "silence" or ban these people.

This what I am talking about. The account shown there is obviously a bot account but I've seen a few human players spam it as well.

If you switch between the region chat rooms you will notice a pattern. The bot accounts are scripted to go through each and every single region chat room and spam multiple links.
Poems > Insane: "I need a party with similar dps"
Insane > Guild: "He's rudely demanding to be carried by 30m dps people, kick him now"
Guild > Poems: "We have proof you were rudely demanding to be carried"
Poems > Everyone: "Show a screenshot of it"
Everyone > Poems: "We can't, but his word is enough for us"

edit: errrr
I volunteer as tribute.
Even a spam detector like the one kong has would be nice.
Wait this isn't on suggestions thread! -1

But yea… mods would b niceeeee
+1 for the idea !
I vollunter !
But this ain't into suggestion section so -1.
But i like the concept thou.
Nice run 'til now.
There will be a chat filter implemented to keep it from happening, so don't worry.
You can usually find me here!
Players have been spamming the link because of the referral system that new game has. (the ?ref=[number] part of the link)

And this, Ray, is why most of us don't want that system on IOU. It's annoying and doesn't really help promoting the game.
(01-18-2016, 03:20 AM)Hipoo Wrote: Players have been spamming the link because of the referral system that new game has. (the ?ref=[number] part of the link)

And this, Ray, is why most of us don't want that system on IOU. It's annoying and doesn't really help promoting the game.

Indeed and also why he backtracked on it after we posted a thread asking him not to implement something like this since it will hurt the games reputation. Myabe bring a few people in but fact is most people ignore games that people spam to get referral points.
IGN: Zakariaz                   Proud leader of Revenants. Admitted leader of STEW
Hey guys, I just wanted to post to say that we are aware of the spammers, and will be taking action to address the recent surge of referral link spam soon.
Sorry for the disruption the spam has been causing. Hold tight, and we'll do our best to clear it up.
*thumps up*

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