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Stat increases post level 20
I'm not sure if its just a visual bug or that's just the way it is intended, but the stats do not increase on the preview hover window at level 20 for certain skills. My auto --> critical chance is at 18.75%, says next level is also 18.75%. Base damage is showing upgrades just fine, so its not a level 20 thing but maybe just the skills themselves. Double attack was 22.5% at level 20, then upgraded to 21 and its still 22.5% and says 22 will be the same as well. Click double attack appears to suffer the same affliction, its capped at 20 to 22.5%..maybe gains are just reeeeally slow?

Also, patch notes are garbled, text is crushed to the top of the window above where its supposed to start so you can't read the first few things there.

You're correct, I just fixed this yesterday - will be posting the patch within the next day.

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