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Short Story Community Competition!
Name: Sorrow
Title: The original settlers
Genre: Dark
Cast: Eric(Son), Sorrow(Grandfather)

Dusting off the cover of an ancient book, Eric wonders what it could be about, it was unlike anything he had seen before. He found it in the attic, tucked behind a mountain of other seemingly ancient relics, all of which belonged to his grandfather Sorrow. As he was pondering, he hears footsteps behind him...

"What are you doing up here? You know I don't like people coming up here Eric." Said Sorrow

"I'm sorry, I was looking for something that belonged to dad, and I came across this book in the back, what is it?" said Eric

"Sigh, I was hoping no one would ever find that. That is my journal from when I was young, back when my kind first came to these worlds" said Sorrow

"Really? That's one of the closest guarded secrets of our people, no one outside of your generation knows of what happened, and they've always refused to talk about. What did happen grandpa? I've wondered my whole life, but everyone knows better than to ask about it." Said Eric

"I'm getting old, I suppose it's not fair for this information to die with me. If you want to know, have a seat. I'll tell you about growing up, but be warned, it isn't a happy story. It is a story filled with pain, struggle, and remorse. Said Sorrow

"We originally came from a place far far away, a place that no one remembers. It's like it didn't exist, like the memory was forcefully forgotten with time. We originally landed on the planet that we called Alpha. We were few in number, but gradually grew as the first waves of newborns came and grew. We did what we could to survive; we killed the local wildlife for food, cut trees and mined wood for shelter and resources, we even used the ships we came on to mine nearby asteroids for the minimal resources they held. It was a hard life, but we survived by banding together. As time went on, we became more proficient at surviving, but it came at a cost. Before long we had nearly slaughtered all of the planets inhabitants, and used up all the available resources. We hid this from the young ones by keeping them close by, not letting them see the ravaged wasteland that once was a flourishing environment. Luckily, a string of planets lay in our path, so we knew we could survive for at least a few more eras by going planet to planet. After a few planets we started to realize that this wouldn't last forever, eventually the planets would run out, and we would have nowhere to live. Knowing this, along with our advancement in technology over the eras, a few volunteers from our original group took ships to the previous planets in an attempt to seed them for new life. They knew they wouldn't make it back, but they were willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of our peoples survival. Several more eras past, and several more planets were destroyed in our name, until we came to the last planet in our chain. At this point our technology was far along, we knew very well how to utilize the resources of the planet to keep us going on a single planet for much longer than when we started out. We didn't however, know how to replace the resources in a way that would allow us to stay there permanently. I remember the last few days on the last planet, looking out into the blackness, wondering where we were going to go. Everyone was panicked, until the day that our leader announced to us that we would be going back to the first planet. That was the only option, if that failed, our now densely populated society would vanish into history. The day came and we boarded the ships and set off. I remember everyone holding their breath as we came around the planet just before Alpha, not knowing what we would see as it came into view. You could feel the weight of thousands of desperate souls lift when Alpha finally came into view, we now knew that we would make it. A few people wondered how the planet could have rebuilt itself naturally so fast, but we were silent. We swore to never disclose the grim fate of our original people. Once we landed, we went about business as normal, setting up our infrastructure for the now 11th time to survive. As far as our technology had come, we were still not savvy in space, reseeding the planets still required one way trip sacrifices every so often. Us being the first, we pledged that we would always make the sacrifice from among ourselves. Some wondered why our numbers dwindled over the eras, but we were sworn not to say. We chalked it up to just old age or the elders wanting to go back home. Life went on like this for many eons, all the way up until where we are today, you and I talking"

With a visibly saddened stature, Eric said "Thank you Grandpa, I know that was hard for you. I swear that that information will never leave me, until the day I have to pass it on to my own son", "But there is one thing I don't understand."

"What is it Eric?" Said Sorrow

"You said your people still have to make the sacrificial journey to reseed the ravaged worlds, and only your people must be the ones to do that deed. You're the last of the original settlers, does that mean..."

With a sad, but hopeful smile, Sorrow nodded his head in acknowledgement. Eric knew what this meant, that his grandfather would soon have to make the one way journey to a depleted world.

With a loving but saddened stature, Eric embraced Sorrow, he didn't want to lose his grandfather, but he knows what must be done.

Messages In This Thread
Short Story Community Competition! - Level - 02-02-2018, 03:54 PM
RE: Short Story Community Competition! - Srw - 02-03-2018, 11:54 AM
IGN: vexatyk - vexatyk - 02-06-2018, 04:16 PM

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