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Short Story Community Competition!
Username: TKChino
Style: Dark?

My cousin and I were fishing for Quartzilon one night at one of my dad's ponds over on Kappa world. The night started off  weird, we started fishing at about 9 pm. The place we were fishing was only accessible by animals from the sides of us, there was a creek behind us, and everything was basically the woods.

We were talking about all kinds of things throughout the night, and then we started getting into discussing being killed by fish. We were hearing weird noises that were out of the ordinary awkward noises you hear in the woods, they were like Succubus talking. We weren't getting any bites so we decided that we would leave at 11pm if we didn't catch anything. As 11 came closer we weren't close to leaving, but still not a touch of the bait.

At 11 all of a sudden I heard the loudest growl that shook me, I felt something on the right of me and jumped as high and as quick as I ever had before. I turned to my cousin, who was sitting on my left and saw a terrified look on his face. Not wanting to jump to conclusions I asked him what was wrong, he said "did you hear that?' I asked him "what'd you hear" he said, "that crazy growl, it shook my whole body!" I looked at him and asked, "Are you sure?" He was sure, so I told him what I heard.

After it happened it was completely quiet, no rustling of the leaves, nothing, almost like everything just shut up. We drove around the pond a couple times to see what we might be able to find, but nothing. We decided whatever it was didn't want us there, so we went back. As we arrived back at our fishing spot, our reels were spilling out line like we had never seen before. My cousin ran as fast as he could and struck the rod hooking the fish on the end.

A good half hour had past as my cousin was reeling in what we think is the Quartzilon fish. We hear a rustling in the bushes, we see the trees moving all around us in the sky and the noises had started again. What ever it was that was here before had come back again. My cousin didn't care about all this he wanted the fish on the hook. As we see the Quartzilon near the surface we see it about to jump out the water.

The Quartzilon was a magnificent sight to see, 7meters long, beautiful baby pink scales and fins that sparkled like diamonds, well untill it swallowed my cousin whole and chased me half way around the pond to my car, i was next on the menu for this fish. Luckily i was able to escape, but that hasn't stopped me trying to get the Quartzilon fish again.

Messages In This Thread
Short Story Community Competition! - Level - 02-02-2018, 03:54 PM
RE: Short Story Community Competition! - TKChino - 02-03-2018, 03:37 AM
IGN: vexatyk - vexatyk - 02-06-2018, 04:16 PM

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