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Short Story Community Competition!
IGN: Handofgod82
Genre: Comedy

The Great IOU Bacon Famine of 2018
For added effect, listen while reading:
In a small guild amongst the lower ranks of Idle Online Universe™ a great famine has befallen its flock of weary alts.

Our story begins with M.K. the ComingSoon™ guild leader summoning young Hoggy to her chambers. "Hoggy we have run out of bacon, and I am afraid that our guild will not survive the harsh IOU winter. You must go deep into the mines in search of the last piece of bacon, and save our guild."
The dutiful Hoggy nods and oinks with determination as he tromps into the dark depths of the looming mine. Our young hero quickly realizing that in order to reach these immense depths he would need an unheard of amount of wood! So with that Hoggy jumps on Discord and tells all who will listen of his plight and to his surprise the community was eager to help! First came Hmann with all of his wood saying:
"take this wood, but only with the promise that if you shall find Ray, tell him that the mine can go deeper if he wills it." Hoggy nodded.
Then Came Edu, and Benfatto with hoards of dynamite. Both saying "We shall entrust our dynamite to you, but you must seek the guidance of the all powerful Challenge master Driller" Hoggy nodded.
Dynamite in tote Hoggy marched back into the mines. Twas then he happened upon Driller. Pickaxe in hand as he towered over the small hog. With a glint in his eye, he simply said. "G5 Group Inferno 2/6" Hoggy a bit dismayed began to tell Driller his story when he was stopped and was told. "Please call me Drillerino. All my friends do." Hoggy nodded.
Driller took the wood from the young hog and began to build support for the mine. "that should about do it, he said" Now on to the dynamite! Hoggy handed over his cache of dynamite and watched as Drillers' flame danced closer to the fuse. "get down yelled Driller" and with that a thunderous boom echoed through the mine. As the dust settled Driller looked at Hoggy and said "you are on your own from here little one."
Hoggy knew that this was it. He had to brave the darkness for his friends and find that bacon! As Hoggy slowly made his way into the seemingly endless darkness, numbers aligned the walls. D.750 was the final one that he could make out. Up ahead he caught a glimpse at a small light in the distance. As he neared, he came upon a man sitting at a computer screen. (This must be Ray) Excuse me, sir.... My name is Hoggy and I have come for the bacon that I hear tell may be in these depths.. The man grinned and said "silly hog you are the last of the bacon"!! Horrified Hoggy let out a squeal. "Don't be alarmed young Hoggy, for you have fulfilled the prophecy. Since you have made it to this level of the mine, I shall supply all of IOU with all of the Cake that they can eat."
With utter delight Hoggy clicked his heals knowing that MK and all of his guildmates would be delighted at the news. He turned to head back topside. Oh he stoped in his hooves. I almost forgot. Hmann told me to tell you "that the mine can go deeper if you will it". Ray slumps back down at his computer and lets out a sigh.. Tell him I said "Soon"™ Hoggy makes his way topside and to all of IOU's delight begins handing out loads of cake to the hungry guilds. Our young Hoggy returned home a triumphant hero to all.
The End

Messages In This Thread
Short Story Community Competition! - Level - 02-02-2018, 03:54 PM
IGN: vexatyk - vexatyk - 02-06-2018, 04:16 PM
RE: Short Story Community Competition! - handofgod82 - 02-12-2018, 12:16 PM

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