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Trees and apples
we should have a chance to get apple when chopping trees. like getting diamonds when we mine.
What do you think this is, Minecraft? xD Seriously, though, this has been suggested before, but I'm not sure where Ray stands on it. Personally, I like the idea.
That will be easy to exploited , tree tier 1 25hp can be farm over , even if u set the tier to 10 peps i still exploit it for tons of food
Yes, it has been suggested before. lol Though it could be unlocked inly after Y tree. Or have each progressive tree giving a higher percentage, of very low percent. Low as in 0.1%-1%. Ray loves 0.01%s lool.
May be 1% at tier 1 and +1% *=2% not 1%+ 1 of 1% that will be painful :v* for each tier u get
Added to list, thanks!
I'd say the best way to do this (if it was to be added) would be to make it a percent chance on each swing. Otherwise people would be going to lower-tierd trees for one advantage or another. Unless there's a significant increase per level.
Unless it's a % of the wood gained, the higher trees give more wood per chop, so they would also give the highest apples per chop. If it was 10% of the wood value, then you'd not get apples unless it was at least a level 3 or 4 tree (depending on rounding rules).

And even if it's a flat rate on a per tree basis, if you could be chopping level 10 trees instead of level 1 trees, you'd be sacrificing at least half your wood production to try and get more apples. Unless the apple drop rate approached 50% I doubt it'd be a sacrifice worth making.
apple per chop is too much , apple after tree cut down sound better :v *that is apply to my 1% method :3*
The tree type doesn't matter... it could be a drop rate per chop... maybe 1/200? That'd likely be 1 or 2 a day for active players.

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