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Hearing about changes with offline gains..
(05-09-2016, 03:01 AM)ExWhiteWolf Wrote: Isn't less exp in a party already a thing?

not at all, cause atm you kill a lot faster in group gaining you more xp/m. the new system, doesnt care about that, since xp/gold will be influenced by dps. like erebs said, solo he got 250m xp/m. in party, even killing things faster, he just got 150m xp/m.

so you get punished for partying at an idle mmo, amazing right =)
Yea....there should be no reason not to be in a party.
I am liking the click changes, since I have been against it in the idle aspect of the game from the start.
But the party xp thing sounds really really horrible.
It limits party setup in so many ways. And it seems to be just a way to prevent people from helping others progress, without any reason.

People getting carried is, in my eyes, not an issue since they will always slow down in the current system. If you remove that option the top guilds wont be able to replace their lost members.
Very concerned by this.
IGN: Zakariaz                   Proud leader of Revenants. Admitted leader of STEW
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ no carry % cap or riot ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
(05-09-2016, 07:33 AM)Zakariaz Wrote: I am liking the click changes. Since i have been against it in the idle aspect of the game from the start. But the party xp thing sounds really really horrible.
I it limits party setup in so many ways. And it seems to be just a way to prevent people from helping others progress without any reason.

People getting carried is in my eyes not an issue since they will always slow down in the current system. If you remove that option the top guilds wont be able to replace their lost members. Very concerned by this.

agree with the clickin part, clicks at grinding should have been removed ages ago. even tho the whole mp/stam concept was a nice idea, of course it was and is abused like hell by scripting. an entire guild is based off that way of cheating. so much for that.

the new xp/m mechanic i dont get at all. you got xp hindrance, to block faster progression from lvl 405+. then you got max tiers, where people are able to farm at (another block, making room for others to catch up somehow). now you introduce another block, xp/m calculated by dps from the individual aka party. you put on a cap of 30% max.

okay, lets make an example ray. i take nicias, a very nice guy droppin some money on the game a couple months ago. he got carried hard, is carrying now others. at the current system, that was possible, even tho there were some hindrance to take care off. with the new system, if som1 decides to cash hard again. as a guild or a group you have to multi-form parties around that guy, to reach the goals of his desires. you have to form multiple parties around that 30% range. i dont get that. why do you punish people like that?

p.s.: the best mechanic aka thing at iou for me always was --> being able to make a decision, against or for somth. reflecting your personal desire of how you play the game. right now it feels like you cut out all of it, making the game like all the others.
Plenty of miscommunication going on, as usual lol.

Ereb's is also indicating preliminary work on it, and we even discussed in his presence, on top of exactly what I mentioned in my earlier post here that is not how it will be working at all, so I won't comment on that point further. After all the trolling people have done I would expect people to wait for official word before all these assumptions on rumors, but moving on :-p

The gains are simply based on your personal dps, plus a small average of everyone else's dps in your party for the gains. There is no division of experience for being in a party (only bonuses to experience rates), therefore negated gains is not possible in a party, only beneficial, and more beneficial to be in 'bigger' parties.

The existing caps (of 130% of pDSP) and the bonus rates from each member in a party are very well subject to change, but for right now it's 130% (cap) + 5% (modifier, not touched by cap) per extra player in your party, along with your party boost from ascension (rates from this may differ since the system has changed so significantly).

(05-09-2016, 08:20 AM)Ray Wrote: Plenty of miscommunication going on, as usual lol.


Okay thats good to hear so less horrible. I still have to ask why you would place a cap in the first place? Does the new system not work without such a cap? What is the reasoning behind it what are you trying to prevent?

To me it seems like a way to limit carrying and boosts and I am just curious why you feel thats needed.
IGN: Zakariaz                   Proud leader of Revenants. Admitted leader of STEW
So party boosts will still be in effect but clicking won't be a part of xp/gold gain anymore? I hope that's the case. All this auto clicking and scripting stuff needed to be stopped A LONG time ago.
Yes, there will be base rate gains of 5% per additional member in a party, then the partyboost gains from ascension will be applied on top of that boost.

Clicking has no effect on gains. However, i've been feeling like click upgrades should potentially affect your gain rates by a small amount. In the future I may include a small percentage bonus to the internal gains calculation based on those upgrades, but not for the initial release, however again, using abilities or actually clicking will NOT affect your calculated exp/gold gains.

What it will still do is speed up a few kills, so I suppose a small increase in card drops and gold gains (because of chests) is possible, but the affect in growth will not be nearly as severe for those who script, and that was one of the many points to this change.

I don't doubt for a second there will be a group of people turned off by this change, but this game has a lot of old much-needed rehaul, and as impressed as I am with how the community has come up with incredible tools and calculators to determine where to hunt, who to party with, etc, that simply wasn't the intention. I would prefer people strategize on progression over being forced to play a certain way to be able to ensure they can still group with the same people.

It also wasn't intended to be able to leech your way through the majority of the game without actually experiencing the initial grinds. Should those grinds be as slow as they are? Probably not, so that may change in the early game, but leeching your way to 200 in day(s) is overboard.

Why do you not receive gains from actual kills (other than chests)? Because it's impossible to calculate offline gains without knowing a solid predictable gain rate for online gains.

Why do we need offline gains, when most people are used to having to be logged in 24/7? Because having to ensure you haven't disconnected or gotten stuck in a loop from a bug shouldn't deter your growth to a point that makes you stress over a casual IDLE game.

Why does partying with someone with 100 DPS, alongside someone with 1 billion dps give both players a gain? So you can party with whoever without feeling too much of a deducation in growth, letting you group with anyone instead of having less than a handful of potentials.

Strategy can be left towards challenges, and how you actually progress your character, not specifically who and what zone.
Locking since someone keeps deleting relevant questions :-p

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