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hunting skills party idea
so currently , in a party, the person with the highest of any hunting skill, has that persons level apply to the party. with this setup, any levels put into the hunting skill by the person with less skill, does not count for anything. i was thinking, perhaps something like 25% of the lower persons skill added to the higher score.

so if one persons gold rate is 60% , and another gold rate is 50%, the party would get 72.5% gold rate instead of the 60%
Well.. gold rate isnt party based anyway, but I'd definitely agree with the idea that the party hunting skills arent a complete waste for the lower guy.

HP reduction, time, treasures rate, treasure hp are all I think that apply to the group
Zieg asked Chatzy to choose between work and play iourpg. Chatzy chose: play iourpg
oh ok, then those 4 or whatever ones

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