(More to be answered by Jay) How exactly does offline card drops work, in the sense of....if partymate switches stages while I am offline? Do I get drops only for the mob that a) I was farming when going off, b) the one that party is actually at when I login back, c) all in history as when drops did happen? 
- (From Jay): When you are in a party, it should be recording drops as they happen and giving them to you. So if you are on two different mobs while offline, its possible to get cards for both
There should be an info about guild level in the "join guild" section
- https://trello.com/c/ncMvlb6W/149-show-g...ild-screen
Could you put party data into the /export function?
Like for example {party:[["username1", DPS], ["username2", DPS], ["username3", DPS]]
- It's kind of updated on the fly, not so much stored. Unfortunately we'll have to come back to that, and the export data as a whole later on, in any case: https://trello.com/c/uSvrBTBm/152-export...rname3-dps
Why does the screen darken when your pet levels? Makes the screen go near black if you go nuts with food.
- Most notifications have a disabling background. I am fully aware of how bad the current notification system is. We have a notification/mail system we started 2 years ago that we'll be looking at this month, and to where we can start separating non-important notifications without disablers, and including other notifications within a log or mailbox.
Any chance that party member info will update faster in the future? (card count, dps, etc)
- Yes, just not the immediate future, sorry. This will be far better handled with Party Management Revamp. I just don't know when that will be based on current priorities.
Would it be possible to add a games section where we bet a currency, (diamonds, ap, etc) against other challengers could be simple games like blackjack, would help pass the time and perhaps bring the activity level of the members to a new high
Maybe you get Gambling Points for winning hands, and you can exchange those for currency-packs—like with bingo?
- I think I can say confidently: no, there won't be gambling with the in-game currencies like that. Just not my style.
Can we get building reset to be 6 days and 23 hours instead of 7 days? If we want to use them proactively every week, they keep shifiting away from monday to next days, nights, etc. It would be cool if we are able to use them at one hour every week
How about every monday, when the week start, we get a reset, and we have lets say 24h to use it, before it starts to catch up on us, so if we use the reset any time monday, we'll have a fresh reset next monday as well
- Added to Trello: https://trello.com/c/PI2s4vgG/150-weekly...ve-reset-t
Can we at least have Arena PP pet nodes possible to reset separate from normal PP nodes? You won't have to come up with additional node reset logic for that, and it is really awkward to have to reset the entire map just for Arena nodes.
- Sorry we won't be touching on this just yet.
Any plans for a card boost VIP upgrade?
- Here are my plans for VIP upgrades: . That's all of them! They really just get added when the game could use an extra side focus for currency sinks, and usually without any major planning forethought. We could probably use one soon though.
Can there be a message in the Group-chat like
"xxx changed the inferno-tier to 123."?
It'd be nice if it was easy for everyone to see when someone is trolling and who it is, so we can all agree on kicking that person when he's offline instead of the whole party slowly breaking apart over such an issue. :/
- I think we're looking at an activity log, mail system, and improved notification system soon.
Would there be possible tipping function in the future for people who help out in Challenges?
Here are some ideas suggested. Anyone can give max 1 karma every day and it is applicable only in challenges that you have beaten first time, and only silver and gold tiers. 100 karma = bingo ticket, a Pet Skin or the Fish Whistle.
What about a random booster for helping in challenges. Maybe 1%-2% for an hour random booster (XP, gold, cards, stone, wood, fish) and that it be additive, so if you are lucky and help in many challenges, you can get, let say, 10% for an hour in XP
- Nope. I think the plan is to set up daily/quest rewards for those that participate in assisting challenges...however challenges in the future being repeated will be beneficial to everyone, not only until initial completion.
"/cmd time" displays UTC time not server time
- Uhh lol. Fixed in the upcoming patch. Sorry about that.
I am assuming that the weekly buffs are rolling once, and thats what we get
Would it be possible to roll 3 buffs instead, and take the two more potent one for the weekly bonus?
Like, it could roll lets say: 11% PP, 12% Multicatch, and 10% Stone, the two more potent, would be 11% PP and 12% Multicatch
I also know that gold has much higher %, but I think it wouldnt be too much trouble to normalize the values
- I'm happy with two currently. The unity version is far more scalable for adding things dynamically, perhaps can be touched up then.
Could we have a use x1000 and/or use all sacrifices option pretty please?
- I think the typing/input system as it is will have to suffice for now.
Any chance challenges could be set up so that if there is an existing group challenge, choosing to start a challenge will automatically put you into that existing group challenge room? (so if someone starts Rats! on bronze I, if there already is a bronze I room for Rats!, the person just gets added to that room instead of starting a new one)
- Unfortunately might be a bit more complicated than I wish it was, but still: https://trello.com/c/FLq0tfal/151-sugges...ficulty-id
Are there any plans for the actual nerfrate to show with /cmd nerfrate? ATM it doesn't display lower than 2%
IE accurate nerfrate display when you are being carried by someone more than 500 levels over you?
- I've asked Jay to fix this when he gets a chance. Will likely be a ninja-change without patchnote
Possible to get a comma or decimal in here so we can easily see how much we got ? :3
![[Image: XAcavNL.png]](https://i.imgur.com/XAcavNL.png)
- Done for upcoming patch
Now that pet training has a bit more value, could the number of stored claims increase, or change the trophy to increase both feed value and time instead of reducing the time? It only stores 12 hours (17 if you time it perfectly), and all you can do is shorten it with trophy, unlike mining and woodcutting where you can pay for laziness.
- Double retroactive allowance for this for the upcoming patch
Just out of curiosity would it be possible to have the guild stone reset an hour or two earlier as sometimes life happens and you can't be at the computer for the exact time needed to switch stone around and if you have a late night your now stuck at the new time. Sorry if this question has been asked before it is totally QOL issue and probably more work then it is worth I just had to ask.
- Believe this is a repeat Q&A question this time around, if not please let me know: https://trello.com/c/PI2s4vgG/150-weekly...ve-reset-t
Important question: When is it planed the current event to end?
We need at least and estimate week so we can figure out if its worth it go for reward 19 in hard mode, or it is a waste of time cause it is imposible to get
- Consider this your notice of about a week.
I can haz optional lab downgrade reminder circle clicky button?
- Sorry, this won't be made into a tip
Can you increase challenge gold rewards? Sometimes they are really low like if i get 400k or somewhat from a challenge while i get 300m each coin drop
This also relates to rewards such as the daily chest claims.
- Challenges need a full revamp and that will be done when the time comes. A lot more than just gold needs to be fixed with challenges unfortunately.
Fish Traps: option to buy a trap for any fish rarity that is 1/2 or lower than max and can have X amount active at once (increased by an orb or something maybe). They work independently of nets, and catch a set F (increased by orb or asc points or something) amount of fish over T period of time at which point it must be repurchased. There could also be different sizes that catch more fish over longer periods of time.
It would give a reason and method of obtaining more trivial tiers of fish that you may no longer be wasting nets fishing for.
- This is interesting. I won't be adding it to trello atm, but I would like for the community to discuss it a bit more and if something like this is desired we can add it.
Double cards information on /export (enabled or not, how much time left) so it can be imported into sheets
I hate waiting for only one party user to reach the card goal because s/he has not purchased double cards
- Added to trello, but might not be for a bit:[url= https://trello.com/c/uSvrBTBm/152-export...rname3-dps] https://trello.com/c/uSvrBTBm/152-export...rname3-dps[/url]
Add an option to donate all gold to guild well or a slider (like with stone) for said gold donations
- It 'could' be done. I'm not sure I see why at the moment though? Is the input too fugly/difficult for high numbers?
Submit your questions/concerns for next time here - http://iourpg.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2587

- (From Jay): When you are in a party, it should be recording drops as they happen and giving them to you. So if you are on two different mobs while offline, its possible to get cards for both
There should be an info about guild level in the "join guild" section
- https://trello.com/c/ncMvlb6W/149-show-g...ild-screen
Could you put party data into the /export function?
Like for example {party:[["username1", DPS], ["username2", DPS], ["username3", DPS]]
- It's kind of updated on the fly, not so much stored. Unfortunately we'll have to come back to that, and the export data as a whole later on, in any case: https://trello.com/c/uSvrBTBm/152-export...rname3-dps
Why does the screen darken when your pet levels? Makes the screen go near black if you go nuts with food.
- Most notifications have a disabling background. I am fully aware of how bad the current notification system is. We have a notification/mail system we started 2 years ago that we'll be looking at this month, and to where we can start separating non-important notifications without disablers, and including other notifications within a log or mailbox.
Any chance that party member info will update faster in the future? (card count, dps, etc)
- Yes, just not the immediate future, sorry. This will be far better handled with Party Management Revamp. I just don't know when that will be based on current priorities.
Would it be possible to add a games section where we bet a currency, (diamonds, ap, etc) against other challengers could be simple games like blackjack, would help pass the time and perhaps bring the activity level of the members to a new high
Maybe you get Gambling Points for winning hands, and you can exchange those for currency-packs—like with bingo?
- I think I can say confidently: no, there won't be gambling with the in-game currencies like that. Just not my style.
Can we get building reset to be 6 days and 23 hours instead of 7 days? If we want to use them proactively every week, they keep shifiting away from monday to next days, nights, etc. It would be cool if we are able to use them at one hour every week

How about every monday, when the week start, we get a reset, and we have lets say 24h to use it, before it starts to catch up on us, so if we use the reset any time monday, we'll have a fresh reset next monday as well
- Added to Trello: https://trello.com/c/PI2s4vgG/150-weekly...ve-reset-t
Can we at least have Arena PP pet nodes possible to reset separate from normal PP nodes? You won't have to come up with additional node reset logic for that, and it is really awkward to have to reset the entire map just for Arena nodes.
- Sorry we won't be touching on this just yet.
Any plans for a card boost VIP upgrade?
- Here are my plans for VIP upgrades: . That's all of them! They really just get added when the game could use an extra side focus for currency sinks, and usually without any major planning forethought. We could probably use one soon though.
Can there be a message in the Group-chat like
"xxx changed the inferno-tier to 123."?
It'd be nice if it was easy for everyone to see when someone is trolling and who it is, so we can all agree on kicking that person when he's offline instead of the whole party slowly breaking apart over such an issue. :/
- I think we're looking at an activity log, mail system, and improved notification system soon.
Would there be possible tipping function in the future for people who help out in Challenges?
Here are some ideas suggested. Anyone can give max 1 karma every day and it is applicable only in challenges that you have beaten first time, and only silver and gold tiers. 100 karma = bingo ticket, a Pet Skin or the Fish Whistle.
What about a random booster for helping in challenges. Maybe 1%-2% for an hour random booster (XP, gold, cards, stone, wood, fish) and that it be additive, so if you are lucky and help in many challenges, you can get, let say, 10% for an hour in XP
- Nope. I think the plan is to set up daily/quest rewards for those that participate in assisting challenges...however challenges in the future being repeated will be beneficial to everyone, not only until initial completion.
"/cmd time" displays UTC time not server time
- Uhh lol. Fixed in the upcoming patch. Sorry about that.
I am assuming that the weekly buffs are rolling once, and thats what we get
Would it be possible to roll 3 buffs instead, and take the two more potent one for the weekly bonus?
Like, it could roll lets say: 11% PP, 12% Multicatch, and 10% Stone, the two more potent, would be 11% PP and 12% Multicatch
I also know that gold has much higher %, but I think it wouldnt be too much trouble to normalize the values
- I'm happy with two currently. The unity version is far more scalable for adding things dynamically, perhaps can be touched up then.
Could we have a use x1000 and/or use all sacrifices option pretty please?
- I think the typing/input system as it is will have to suffice for now.
Any chance challenges could be set up so that if there is an existing group challenge, choosing to start a challenge will automatically put you into that existing group challenge room? (so if someone starts Rats! on bronze I, if there already is a bronze I room for Rats!, the person just gets added to that room instead of starting a new one)
- Unfortunately might be a bit more complicated than I wish it was, but still: https://trello.com/c/FLq0tfal/151-sugges...ficulty-id
Are there any plans for the actual nerfrate to show with /cmd nerfrate? ATM it doesn't display lower than 2%
IE accurate nerfrate display when you are being carried by someone more than 500 levels over you?
- I've asked Jay to fix this when he gets a chance. Will likely be a ninja-change without patchnote
Possible to get a comma or decimal in here so we can easily see how much we got ? :3
![[Image: XAcavNL.png]](https://i.imgur.com/XAcavNL.png)
- Done for upcoming patch
Now that pet training has a bit more value, could the number of stored claims increase, or change the trophy to increase both feed value and time instead of reducing the time? It only stores 12 hours (17 if you time it perfectly), and all you can do is shorten it with trophy, unlike mining and woodcutting where you can pay for laziness.
- Double retroactive allowance for this for the upcoming patch

Just out of curiosity would it be possible to have the guild stone reset an hour or two earlier as sometimes life happens and you can't be at the computer for the exact time needed to switch stone around and if you have a late night your now stuck at the new time. Sorry if this question has been asked before it is totally QOL issue and probably more work then it is worth I just had to ask.
- Believe this is a repeat Q&A question this time around, if not please let me know: https://trello.com/c/PI2s4vgG/150-weekly...ve-reset-t
Important question: When is it planed the current event to end?
We need at least and estimate week so we can figure out if its worth it go for reward 19 in hard mode, or it is a waste of time cause it is imposible to get
- Consider this your notice of about a week.
I can haz optional lab downgrade reminder circle clicky button?
- Sorry, this won't be made into a tip
Can you increase challenge gold rewards? Sometimes they are really low like if i get 400k or somewhat from a challenge while i get 300m each coin drop
This also relates to rewards such as the daily chest claims.
- Challenges need a full revamp and that will be done when the time comes. A lot more than just gold needs to be fixed with challenges unfortunately.
Fish Traps: option to buy a trap for any fish rarity that is 1/2 or lower than max and can have X amount active at once (increased by an orb or something maybe). They work independently of nets, and catch a set F (increased by orb or asc points or something) amount of fish over T period of time at which point it must be repurchased. There could also be different sizes that catch more fish over longer periods of time.
It would give a reason and method of obtaining more trivial tiers of fish that you may no longer be wasting nets fishing for.
- This is interesting. I won't be adding it to trello atm, but I would like for the community to discuss it a bit more and if something like this is desired we can add it.
Double cards information on /export (enabled or not, how much time left) so it can be imported into sheets
I hate waiting for only one party user to reach the card goal because s/he has not purchased double cards
- Added to trello, but might not be for a bit:[url= https://trello.com/c/uSvrBTBm/152-export...rname3-dps] https://trello.com/c/uSvrBTBm/152-export...rname3-dps[/url]
Add an option to donate all gold to guild well or a slider (like with stone) for said gold donations
- It 'could' be done. I'm not sure I see why at the moment though? Is the input too fugly/difficult for high numbers?
Submit your questions/concerns for next time here - http://iourpg.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=2587
Community helper
Discord Username: Level#0001
Discord Username: Level#0001