Do you have an eta on beasts?
- Not specifically. I have held on to assets prepared for features for long durations and simply found the perfect time for features and they are introduced with little notice. We're definitely building up to bigger things here as you'll see with the pet arena/tier expansion.
When will name change come to this discord server? I am requesting this since months.
Tbh i am in over 25 servers and this one is the only one that doesn’t allow it. if you fear people changing their names over and over again, theres a cool down for that too, so a abuse is not possible. i dont see a single reason to still not allow it.
- We can change your name if it's that important for now.
Why does the "Total Expedition Pts" trophy gives points to "Trades Trophy Upgrades" and not "Ships & Expeditions Trophy Upgrades"
- Good question...Added to trello
A game to reroll for pet skin? or something 5 diamond per roll? :>
- Not likely
Are there going to be other ways to unlock pet skins such as events?
- Yes, in fact this event does that.
Is there gonna be emblem for guilds like pets have pet skins?
- It's an interesting idea, although not sure it'd be worth the effort just yet.
Due to recent struggle, when will it be possible that the carrys that join a challenge can force start it? Maybe with a 30s countdown or sth like that
- Not in the short-term that I have ahead. Challenges overall need a good review.
What happened to the diamond investment portion of WW? I know it was taken out due to potential alt abuse. Will it ever come back or any varient?
- It's actually still set up in code. Good question....however you are the first to bring it up in a while so I don't know that it is heavily desired.
Can we please fix the pet arena glitch? its super annoying. You always attack first until you have hp where the boss can one shot you, then your attack is skipped and he hits first killing you making you miss out on a hit, this seems very unfair
- If the next attack means your pets die, is there really a difference in order? I'm confused. Feel free to follow up with me.
What is the most times an individual has lost to final boss in mafia
- We don't track this information. There used to be a case where it showed a much higher rate than was true, and people failed an insane amount of times, and getting angry with the event over it (understandably)
How much fun did you have coming up with all the names for the mobs and fish?
- Isael came up with the fish ones himself. I enjoy it sometimes however the pressure is real, lol.
When will there be a separate reset within the petmap?
- Not likely ever
How is the fuel you get when you sit on completed expeditions calculated?
- It's based on how many ships you have and how long you've been sitting on it, and based on existing fuel regeneration
What's with this gap >.>? It's like the Gappalachian mountains.
![[Image: 9WCrx1U.png]](
Let it go! lol. We're improving against these things in Unity with far better dynamic UI handling, sorting, spacing, padding, etc.
Whats the chance to get an inferno pack from a code?
- 1/5000. Good luck!
Can features that have been canceled be removed, like i-matter for fuel upgrade? some of the non-English speaking players in my guild thought it was coming anyday and have been saving i-matter.
- It could be coming any day though, I just don't know which! Kidding aside i'll add it to trello-board to review.
Is it possible to get a timestamp on /export with the time it was executed?
- Added for today's patch: 'generatedAt'
The party mouseover window looks nice, but would it be possible to add commas to the card count? 543,211 is easier to read as half a million, but looks like 5431211 which is 5 million without stopping to count all the digits in the display.
- Untested, but should be done for today's patch.
Changing password is bugged as hell. fix that!
- It's in the list, and no, it kind of isn't. Overrides just operate differently, but we'll come up with a solution.
Instead of the usual stuff that calculates your trophy + NRG ie the 15min 34sec for 3 energy or 14min 56 sec for 3 energy, Why not add it all up to see how much total time left till the energy max to full base on your trophies + NRG. Instead of showing ie. 3 energy for 15min why not for 306 energy = 16 hours and 12min., or 312 energy = 14 hours 10min. and 56 sec. something like that, but ofcourse will just sum all of your setup trophy + NRG. and still will leave the player to chop whenever they want, and of course the 3 energy will tick still on a certain time you setup your trophy.
![[Image: 8MokOjG.png]](
- I'm not sure why that would be any more important? Bring it up in test discussions and we can look into it.
A new title for guild leader rather than just leader again
![[Image: kiVS514.png]](
- On my end, it's technically Creator. Perhaps we could come up with a new naming scheme though...Emperor, king, etc. lol
Having more than just Member/Captain/Leader/Owner would be miraculous. Or even better, editable position. IE Creator can choose whether leaders/captains can invite, kick, promote, set open join, open buildings, or write guild message each individually.
- I'm not sure I see why it would be needed. Only enhance people with the powers you trust, otherwise leave them as members.
If you want to leave a question/concern for next time, you can do so by visiting here -
Thanks everybody!
- Not specifically. I have held on to assets prepared for features for long durations and simply found the perfect time for features and they are introduced with little notice. We're definitely building up to bigger things here as you'll see with the pet arena/tier expansion.
When will name change come to this discord server? I am requesting this since months.
Tbh i am in over 25 servers and this one is the only one that doesn’t allow it. if you fear people changing their names over and over again, theres a cool down for that too, so a abuse is not possible. i dont see a single reason to still not allow it.
- We can change your name if it's that important for now.
Why does the "Total Expedition Pts" trophy gives points to "Trades Trophy Upgrades" and not "Ships & Expeditions Trophy Upgrades"
- Good question...Added to trello
A game to reroll for pet skin? or something 5 diamond per roll? :>
- Not likely
Are there going to be other ways to unlock pet skins such as events?
- Yes, in fact this event does that.
Is there gonna be emblem for guilds like pets have pet skins?

- It's an interesting idea, although not sure it'd be worth the effort just yet.
Due to recent struggle, when will it be possible that the carrys that join a challenge can force start it? Maybe with a 30s countdown or sth like that
- Not in the short-term that I have ahead. Challenges overall need a good review.
What happened to the diamond investment portion of WW? I know it was taken out due to potential alt abuse. Will it ever come back or any varient?
- It's actually still set up in code. Good question....however you are the first to bring it up in a while so I don't know that it is heavily desired.
Can we please fix the pet arena glitch? its super annoying. You always attack first until you have hp where the boss can one shot you, then your attack is skipped and he hits first killing you making you miss out on a hit, this seems very unfair
- If the next attack means your pets die, is there really a difference in order? I'm confused. Feel free to follow up with me.
What is the most times an individual has lost to final boss in mafia
- We don't track this information. There used to be a case where it showed a much higher rate than was true, and people failed an insane amount of times, and getting angry with the event over it (understandably)
How much fun did you have coming up with all the names for the mobs and fish?
- Isael came up with the fish ones himself. I enjoy it sometimes however the pressure is real, lol.
When will there be a separate reset within the petmap?
- Not likely ever
How is the fuel you get when you sit on completed expeditions calculated?
- It's based on how many ships you have and how long you've been sitting on it, and based on existing fuel regeneration
What's with this gap >.>? It's like the Gappalachian mountains.
![[Image: 9WCrx1U.png]](

Whats the chance to get an inferno pack from a code?
- 1/5000. Good luck!
Can features that have been canceled be removed, like i-matter for fuel upgrade? some of the non-English speaking players in my guild thought it was coming anyday and have been saving i-matter.
- It could be coming any day though, I just don't know which! Kidding aside i'll add it to trello-board to review.
Is it possible to get a timestamp on /export with the time it was executed?
- Added for today's patch: 'generatedAt'
The party mouseover window looks nice, but would it be possible to add commas to the card count? 543,211 is easier to read as half a million, but looks like 5431211 which is 5 million without stopping to count all the digits in the display.
- Untested, but should be done for today's patch.
Changing password is bugged as hell. fix that!
- It's in the list, and no, it kind of isn't. Overrides just operate differently, but we'll come up with a solution.
Instead of the usual stuff that calculates your trophy + NRG ie the 15min 34sec for 3 energy or 14min 56 sec for 3 energy, Why not add it all up to see how much total time left till the energy max to full base on your trophies + NRG. Instead of showing ie. 3 energy for 15min why not for 306 energy = 16 hours and 12min., or 312 energy = 14 hours 10min. and 56 sec. something like that, but ofcourse will just sum all of your setup trophy + NRG. and still will leave the player to chop whenever they want, and of course the 3 energy will tick still on a certain time you setup your trophy.
![[Image: 8MokOjG.png]](
- I'm not sure why that would be any more important? Bring it up in test discussions and we can look into it.
A new title for guild leader rather than just leader again
![[Image: kiVS514.png]](
- On my end, it's technically Creator. Perhaps we could come up with a new naming scheme though...Emperor, king, etc. lol
Having more than just Member/Captain/Leader/Owner would be miraculous. Or even better, editable position. IE Creator can choose whether leaders/captains can invite, kick, promote, set open join, open buildings, or write guild message each individually.
- I'm not sure I see why it would be needed. Only enhance people with the powers you trust, otherwise leave them as members.
If you want to leave a question/concern for next time, you can do so by visiting here -
Thanks everybody!
Community helper
Discord Username: Level#0001
Discord Username: Level#0001