In the future will it be something in upgrades to improve the max of fishing energy you can hold? like it is in woodcutting and mining?
- Wasn't thinking so. However a fast-track version of fishing is intended so you don't need to run the game constantly to fish in the a slight loss in % (not that it 80% compared to 100% is not 80% of SO's within a day.)
+1 to that, please don't punish players for buying nets. One easy solution would be to have bought nets and nets from codes be a separate 'net currency' but only on the code side of things, and have it spend your normal nets first when fishing so net-regen is never punished even if you buy 5000 nets at once for a super long week(s) of fishing. Thanks boss you're the best
- Would my above solution of being able to fast track be an unrelated solution to this? I'm thinking so with not having to stay logged in means not having to wait til the weekend. Could be wrong as it isn't in my main radar atm.
When will we be able to spend infinity matter to gain charge and max fuel? (Currently coming soon)
- Fuel is hugely overpowered to a near-game-breaking level. Don't expect improvements to fuel. That upgrade is either cleaned up (removed) or turned into something very different in the future.
Now I'm curious is it intentional that offline card gain doesn't scale with inferno tier? My main is farming in a party at inferno tier 1245 and overnight offline card gain = 70 cards. Then just recently I started an alt that has just hit inferno tier 2 and overnight offline card gain = 59.
Is that broken or intentional? I mean I try to stay online 24/7 mainly for card gain. But if offline card gain is so low at high tier, it has no practical effect. So what's the thought behind this?
- Jay wrote this system. It's not yet working at intended, and I think the reason may be related to damage calculations not matching your online calculated play properly, meaning the server might think you're getting far less kills than you would if online. This is still a beta system. It was released to try to alleviate the issue, but yes, it still needs more work
Would you add a reset all button in Ascension upgrades that is capped at a fixed AP value of, say, 500 AP? saves time if someone wants to make big changes in succession.
- Probably not. I would rather it be a pain in the ass for people to switch those upgrades. Keep in mind I've already given so much slack for this system, compared to the more permanence in choice that it originally intended.
Is there a way to change my logging name instead of the stupid kong####### that I can't seem to remember?
- Not now, and probably not for a while. When mobile gets closer we'll likely add a linking system where you log into one, and it provides the ability to log in with the assortment of linked accounts...definitely not something worth the time required as a high priority at the moment though.
Will there ever be a multi buy option? like 5, 10, 25, 100x?
- The timing of this question
I'm at the point in unity of working on the upgrade window. It's actually ~80% complete...fully functional and what not. What I haven't done is add the improved features, and x10 and x25 is intended, possibly CTRL+SHIFT for a x100. We shall see!
Ray was it by accident that you didn't cover the join button totally? (Challenges)
- I would say yes. But then, Ray never makes mistakes. So lets go with no.
Thoughts on adding a toggle in settings that would allow other people in a queue to start a challenge?
What do you think about a function, that gives players who wants to start a challenge without a full group (aka carry) the possibility to send a sound to the group leader (like the one that plays when the group is full)?
- Man this is a repeat request for sure. I'm not sure I like the idea that the person who creates the queue is not the one to start it...lets say because they go AFK or whatever. I would prefer that challenges are VERY motivated by other players and are quick turnovers instead of a potentially long wait. I've considered awarding players who join challenges based on criteria with rewards in the future rehaul of challenges to make people motivated to constantly check lingering challenges to speed them up. We'll have to connect on this again when the time comes.
Would you consider adding the minimum and maximum possible card drops down where it shows your Card Drop Chance in your character screen?
- Very good idea. I've included a LOT more information within the character window for Unity, but that is clearly something that should be included as well.
Here is a shot of the current template in the works:
![[Image: 11GdipX.png]](
Opening several card packs at once would be really nice
- Yes yes...this is being pushed by folks more and more lately. We have so much in the works and this month is hell within my personal life for trying to get everything together...don't worry, it's coming soon or later.
Are there any plans for "lower" level players to try and catch up to the rank #1 level player? The way I look at this, it is completely impossible to catch up (unless spending obsene amounts of money), because of the "snowballing" effect, in which the stronger you are, the more "resource" getting ability you get (ie. significantly more XP, gold per second).
- It's faster and faster to catch up to the point they are today. Tomorrow though, they'll be a little further than today, and no matter how much you push, if you don't push like they do, you have to anticipate them quitting or slowing down to get ahead of them. This is simply the nature of games. Why would it be fair that you surpass a #1 player if they are still active and were way ahead when you started? That would be ridiculous. However, the currenct issue of IOU is that people look at the top ranks as a means of their top and final goals...ranking should NOT be a goal. It should not be about competing for something against another player except for within the Ship Arena...I would prefer to have players work together in building their strengths together to accomplish goals co-operatively and this far I have failed. I don't intend on leaving IOU that way for end-game. My final goals within IOU are changing the perspective of all players, especially newer engagements that focus on self-growth and self-competition. I don't know the answer to this yet but it's something I'll be looking at when the time comes.
I have a question, gold sacs cost 100T for 30, and 35 looks like it costs almost 3Q what is this massive unbalance? Will it get re-balanced in the future? Before people jump at me, I am aware that there was already a balance as ive been around for a couple years, just curious if there are any plans to balance it
- Gold can be for a few extra, but we're looking at other systems to have gold focus on, where SO's are likely a thing of the past when it comes to gold investments, and fish are the primary lockdown for SOs.
Question/suggestion, when I hover over upgrades, it might say +1% or something, but i know that some of these upgrades are additive and some are multiplicative, can the tool tip have a * instead of a + for the multiplicative ones?
- Probably not, at least not soon, because I do change additives to multiplicatives at some points. However regarding an image response to Min/Max cards above, it is likely that in Unity we can add hover tips that explain things better (additive, multiplicative, or simply how it affects things...perhaps even formulas)
Could we get the pet arena boss HP formula please? The recorded data suggests its calculated but the data doesnt fit to a sane formula.
- Mind if I go back on what I said about getting this? We are looking at pet arena soon, and the formulas will be changing... which will require that the new formula is given out in testing.
There is an issue with the current party system, in which allows anybody to kick anybody out of their party when they are offline. So what happens in "public" parties is that typically one of the stronger members will kick the weaker member (lower DPS) out of party, when they get the chance to. This is a natural feeling, because the dynamic of public parties is that lower DPS players will want to join higher DPS players so they can move up faster, but higher DPS players want to kick the lower DPS players because it slows them down.
- Party management will fix this...however we have more important priorities right now. Eventually long-term players find good teams and get to worry less about this from what I've seen.
Will you be working on supporting different languages in IOU?
- Richtig! Check:
![[Image: mjqfjmL.jpg]](
I have already added support for localization. We'll likely set up a system that allows specific bi-lingual users to moderate and improve localizations within the game with an open format localization file system. This even includes formatted translations, such as:
"Adds +25% to Card Drop" ....well saying "<adds> +25% <to card drop>" can't be translated in the same manner for other languages, so we'll have a format where it's "Adds <card_percent> to Card Drop"...and in other languages this can be translated in whatever order the language requires simply by leaving the <card_percent> within the translated string. It was exciting developing this ahead of its time for Unity, but alas, it is something that will be possible, for sure
What roles do you and Jay have in developing IOURPG?
- I lead the development for the game. I am the only one on Client work (flash is not something worth Jay delving into at this stage in its life-cycle), and have Jay assist with server-side work, formulas, and tickets.
With the game moving towards unity, I'll have a better opportunity to have Jay or someone else assist on the client-side.
Thanks all.
This concludes the second Open Community Q & A. If you want to post a question for next time, head over to
- Wasn't thinking so. However a fast-track version of fishing is intended so you don't need to run the game constantly to fish in the a slight loss in % (not that it 80% compared to 100% is not 80% of SO's within a day.)
+1 to that, please don't punish players for buying nets. One easy solution would be to have bought nets and nets from codes be a separate 'net currency' but only on the code side of things, and have it spend your normal nets first when fishing so net-regen is never punished even if you buy 5000 nets at once for a super long week(s) of fishing. Thanks boss you're the best
- Would my above solution of being able to fast track be an unrelated solution to this? I'm thinking so with not having to stay logged in means not having to wait til the weekend. Could be wrong as it isn't in my main radar atm.
When will we be able to spend infinity matter to gain charge and max fuel? (Currently coming soon)
- Fuel is hugely overpowered to a near-game-breaking level. Don't expect improvements to fuel. That upgrade is either cleaned up (removed) or turned into something very different in the future.
Now I'm curious is it intentional that offline card gain doesn't scale with inferno tier? My main is farming in a party at inferno tier 1245 and overnight offline card gain = 70 cards. Then just recently I started an alt that has just hit inferno tier 2 and overnight offline card gain = 59.
Is that broken or intentional? I mean I try to stay online 24/7 mainly for card gain. But if offline card gain is so low at high tier, it has no practical effect. So what's the thought behind this?
- Jay wrote this system. It's not yet working at intended, and I think the reason may be related to damage calculations not matching your online calculated play properly, meaning the server might think you're getting far less kills than you would if online. This is still a beta system. It was released to try to alleviate the issue, but yes, it still needs more work

Would you add a reset all button in Ascension upgrades that is capped at a fixed AP value of, say, 500 AP? saves time if someone wants to make big changes in succession.
- Probably not. I would rather it be a pain in the ass for people to switch those upgrades. Keep in mind I've already given so much slack for this system, compared to the more permanence in choice that it originally intended.
Is there a way to change my logging name instead of the stupid kong####### that I can't seem to remember?
- Not now, and probably not for a while. When mobile gets closer we'll likely add a linking system where you log into one, and it provides the ability to log in with the assortment of linked accounts...definitely not something worth the time required as a high priority at the moment though.
Will there ever be a multi buy option? like 5, 10, 25, 100x?
- The timing of this question

Ray was it by accident that you didn't cover the join button totally? (Challenges)
- I would say yes. But then, Ray never makes mistakes. So lets go with no.
Thoughts on adding a toggle in settings that would allow other people in a queue to start a challenge?
What do you think about a function, that gives players who wants to start a challenge without a full group (aka carry) the possibility to send a sound to the group leader (like the one that plays when the group is full)?
- Man this is a repeat request for sure. I'm not sure I like the idea that the person who creates the queue is not the one to start it...lets say because they go AFK or whatever. I would prefer that challenges are VERY motivated by other players and are quick turnovers instead of a potentially long wait. I've considered awarding players who join challenges based on criteria with rewards in the future rehaul of challenges to make people motivated to constantly check lingering challenges to speed them up. We'll have to connect on this again when the time comes.
Would you consider adding the minimum and maximum possible card drops down where it shows your Card Drop Chance in your character screen?
- Very good idea. I've included a LOT more information within the character window for Unity, but that is clearly something that should be included as well.
Here is a shot of the current template in the works:
![[Image: 11GdipX.png]](
Opening several card packs at once would be really nice
- Yes yes...this is being pushed by folks more and more lately. We have so much in the works and this month is hell within my personal life for trying to get everything together...don't worry, it's coming soon or later.
Are there any plans for "lower" level players to try and catch up to the rank #1 level player? The way I look at this, it is completely impossible to catch up (unless spending obsene amounts of money), because of the "snowballing" effect, in which the stronger you are, the more "resource" getting ability you get (ie. significantly more XP, gold per second).
- It's faster and faster to catch up to the point they are today. Tomorrow though, they'll be a little further than today, and no matter how much you push, if you don't push like they do, you have to anticipate them quitting or slowing down to get ahead of them. This is simply the nature of games. Why would it be fair that you surpass a #1 player if they are still active and were way ahead when you started? That would be ridiculous. However, the currenct issue of IOU is that people look at the top ranks as a means of their top and final goals...ranking should NOT be a goal. It should not be about competing for something against another player except for within the Ship Arena...I would prefer to have players work together in building their strengths together to accomplish goals co-operatively and this far I have failed. I don't intend on leaving IOU that way for end-game. My final goals within IOU are changing the perspective of all players, especially newer engagements that focus on self-growth and self-competition. I don't know the answer to this yet but it's something I'll be looking at when the time comes.
I have a question, gold sacs cost 100T for 30, and 35 looks like it costs almost 3Q what is this massive unbalance? Will it get re-balanced in the future? Before people jump at me, I am aware that there was already a balance as ive been around for a couple years, just curious if there are any plans to balance it
- Gold can be for a few extra, but we're looking at other systems to have gold focus on, where SO's are likely a thing of the past when it comes to gold investments, and fish are the primary lockdown for SOs.
Question/suggestion, when I hover over upgrades, it might say +1% or something, but i know that some of these upgrades are additive and some are multiplicative, can the tool tip have a * instead of a + for the multiplicative ones?
- Probably not, at least not soon, because I do change additives to multiplicatives at some points. However regarding an image response to Min/Max cards above, it is likely that in Unity we can add hover tips that explain things better (additive, multiplicative, or simply how it affects things...perhaps even formulas)
Could we get the pet arena boss HP formula please? The recorded data suggests its calculated but the data doesnt fit to a sane formula.
- Mind if I go back on what I said about getting this? We are looking at pet arena soon, and the formulas will be changing... which will require that the new formula is given out in testing.
There is an issue with the current party system, in which allows anybody to kick anybody out of their party when they are offline. So what happens in "public" parties is that typically one of the stronger members will kick the weaker member (lower DPS) out of party, when they get the chance to. This is a natural feeling, because the dynamic of public parties is that lower DPS players will want to join higher DPS players so they can move up faster, but higher DPS players want to kick the lower DPS players because it slows them down.
- Party management will fix this...however we have more important priorities right now. Eventually long-term players find good teams and get to worry less about this from what I've seen.
Will you be working on supporting different languages in IOU?
- Richtig! Check:
![[Image: mjqfjmL.jpg]](
I have already added support for localization. We'll likely set up a system that allows specific bi-lingual users to moderate and improve localizations within the game with an open format localization file system. This even includes formatted translations, such as:
"Adds +25% to Card Drop" ....well saying "<adds> +25% <to card drop>" can't be translated in the same manner for other languages, so we'll have a format where it's "Adds <card_percent> to Card Drop"...and in other languages this can be translated in whatever order the language requires simply by leaving the <card_percent> within the translated string. It was exciting developing this ahead of its time for Unity, but alas, it is something that will be possible, for sure

What roles do you and Jay have in developing IOURPG?
- I lead the development for the game. I am the only one on Client work (flash is not something worth Jay delving into at this stage in its life-cycle), and have Jay assist with server-side work, formulas, and tickets.
With the game moving towards unity, I'll have a better opportunity to have Jay or someone else assist on the client-side.
Thanks all.
This concludes the second Open Community Q & A. If you want to post a question for next time, head over to
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