The Wishing Well Orb seems underpowered relative to the other new orbs. Would you consider replacing it with another orb?
- Nope! I like the idea behind the orb. Perhaps it can be strengthened more later, but not every orb needs to be a 'must-have'. We'll be adding more orbs, and again, not every one of those new orbs will be must-haves, but new none-the-less.
How do I reset the password on accounts which are all linked with same email address?
- You can change your password within settings (if you can login already). We actually no longer have an automated password recovery option. I think the only reason for this is we've had maybe 2 people in the last year come to us about password recovery, so it was never a priority.
What do you think about a return of a guild bank system?
- Sorry, but that won't happen. It complicates the existing structure of how the guilds currently work, to the point that I simply won't be delving into such a complication. The guilds will never be perfect, but I'm happy with the mechanics of it right now.
Can we get more rewards from support level? It is after all an incentive to spend real money, so why not make it more tempting?
- They definitely need an update on the does lineage. We aren't looking at this yet though. The UI is so cramped right now and I've determined that it is MUCH easier for me to work with UI changes within the Unity client, than it is in flash. I'll be trying to delay such changes for the unity client testing releases.
Did you nerf the fishing multicatch ascension upgrade after releasing the new VIP multicatch upgrade?
- No, the upgrade is the same. What was changed was how 'multiple sequences' is calculated for chances. 150% = 100% + 50%. Before it was 150% = 100%, then halved to 75%, if that worked, halved to 37.5%, etc. This was better for lower rates, but later on, when say rates get 300%+ your average for having higher rates actually diminishes the chances and your upgrades become worth far less.
What's planned for the Coming Soon on the Expedition interface? Will it be coming soon forever?
- I anticipated a final layer to the expeditions system. At this time though, it is not in the works or even in hindsight. I'll probably have that hidden in the future.
Do you play IOU too? Or just for testing new features? And have you a "normal" Account unboosted from Sneaky Adminpower? (I know it is hard to say no, if you have the power to give yourself more items etc.)
- I used to play a hell of a lot more...grouping with people, doing challenges, etc. Lately a lot less as I just have too much on my plate....and yes I definitely do cheat. Infinite diamonds/ap/food for me! I don't cheat on level though.
Has iou officially been released or are we all playing beta?
- Beta ended ages ago. It's 'Eta' =p the game goes through constant rehauls and changes though. I don't know if we'll ever be considered officially/fully released until the game's update era is coming to a when I have a heart attack.
When will Beasts be introduced?
- I did a ton of work on the visuals for this, then stopped when I reached a moment of clarity realizing that I really didn't like where the system was heading. I have some pretty big goals for the game, and not until more recently am I seeing the actual possibility of them. I want beasts tied into a few systems that currently don't exist.
When will additional forest levels be added?
- Stay tuned, 2017. We came up with a pretty ridiculous system of generating trees with an assortment of alien pieces. There's room for about a billion+ different styles of trees with the new assets Isael designed. However we are looking at a max of 45 coming up for now.
Can we get
oontm: and :apina: emojis on the Discord Server, please? 
- I could give one of the Helpers (Level/Blackie) access to this if they want, similar to how Listat put a bunch together?
I heard about an eventual EP rehaul. What does that entail?
- Yes and no clue. We've discussed different things but I'm not comfortable with anything yet. We'll bring it up in discussion for December sometime.
What happened to the idea about gem thingies we would get from challenges and series?
- There was some concerning criticism against the idea. Gems aren't laid to rest, but perhaps they'll be repurposed.
What's going on with ship series challenges?
- They give too much AP, that's what! We have the idea of having enemies with drones and different challenging setups. Planned, but not in the works yet....different priorities atm.
There's been artwork on so many upcoming challenges in the past, any news when one of them will be released?
- Challenges need their time first. Challenges outside of Challenge Points are pretty lame nowadays. I would like to tie them into a system that shows better appreciation for the content (Resources for gear/crafting/etc). We'll be discussing this soon.
You said before you want to get rid of mini-events. the community really likes these. any reason for them not to be run in addition to your future planned events?
- I thought this initially, but because of the way Unity can handle asset bundles, it might be something we can do. The issue arised when we publish for multiple platforms...lets just not ignore the elephant in the room, or the a-hole of companies, Apple. iOS makes it annoying to update your own application so nearly all updates/content need to be planned way ahead or needs to be loaded dynamically. I think we have a solution for this though so perhaps certain minigames could remain.
When is bingo coming out?
- We'll be discussing this in the next 1-2 weeks. It was 100% ready for release but there were aspects that allowed you to spend diamonds for additional cards, or a pack for 'Dab All'. We're going to revert on that and make the entire thing 100% f2p, and make earning the cards a lot easier.
With all the extra diamond and ap expenses released lately, are there going to be any additional ways to earn those currencies in game?
- There's plenty of ways to earn currencies already. The purpose of those was because we lacked the appropriate sinks for the economy. We are adding bingo though, and we have a level-reward system coming up eventually that will include resources related to your progression stage.
What about the cards rehaul mentioned times ago?
- Easier pack use is in our short-term agenda. We had ideas for other milestone bonuses as well, but we realized the majority of damage currently already comes from we're going to wait a bit longer on that.
Have you considered Gandor's idea about getting a tiny pack per level of the card orb daily? Not sure if you answered this one on test
- Negative. Don't think we'll be doing this.
What about removing people who haven't logged in for x amount of days from the highscores and then adding them back when they log in again? Or maybe just add another ranking for active people?
- This is difficult because we aren't using sql style databases for this. The only thing the high score DB has (redis) is a name and a numerical value. We can't compare dates or anything on that...and setting up a new top score system takes quite a while so backburnered.
Why don't you add platinum/ragestone challenges? The rewards(challenge points, AP, Diamonds) are hardly game breaking or anything, but it gives us some goals to work towards as a guild and as a player. Also would take a minimal amount of coding to add them.
- Yes but I'd like us to just tackle some other things regarding challenges...the system will be changing in the future in a way that makes them more rewarding/purposeful, so i've been delaying this for a bit.
1, Being able to name our guild buildings. so you want to stay in a guild. 2 can we get a list of offline trophy gains. 3 Could there be a boost or gain for more active players, as my group are often away orsleeping and I do most of work?
- 1. Won't happen, sorry.
- 2. Offline Trophy Gains? That should only occur when you are actually online. Unless you mean a list for when multiple happen at the same time?
- 3. The boost is generally passive for just being online. We talked about the party management system having some bonuses for certain parties, but I don't know where that will end up if the time comes for the discussion on it.
"-BALANCE: Mining depth capped at 500 temporarily. We're looking at woodcutting expansion and several other things. We just need a couple weeks to go over it all."
Are we looking at woodcutting upgrades cost changes too, or is it just an expansion?
-Should just be an expansion.
- Nope! I like the idea behind the orb. Perhaps it can be strengthened more later, but not every orb needs to be a 'must-have'. We'll be adding more orbs, and again, not every one of those new orbs will be must-haves, but new none-the-less.
How do I reset the password on accounts which are all linked with same email address?
- You can change your password within settings (if you can login already). We actually no longer have an automated password recovery option. I think the only reason for this is we've had maybe 2 people in the last year come to us about password recovery, so it was never a priority.
What do you think about a return of a guild bank system?
- Sorry, but that won't happen. It complicates the existing structure of how the guilds currently work, to the point that I simply won't be delving into such a complication. The guilds will never be perfect, but I'm happy with the mechanics of it right now.
Can we get more rewards from support level? It is after all an incentive to spend real money, so why not make it more tempting?
- They definitely need an update on the does lineage. We aren't looking at this yet though. The UI is so cramped right now and I've determined that it is MUCH easier for me to work with UI changes within the Unity client, than it is in flash. I'll be trying to delay such changes for the unity client testing releases.
Did you nerf the fishing multicatch ascension upgrade after releasing the new VIP multicatch upgrade?
- No, the upgrade is the same. What was changed was how 'multiple sequences' is calculated for chances. 150% = 100% + 50%. Before it was 150% = 100%, then halved to 75%, if that worked, halved to 37.5%, etc. This was better for lower rates, but later on, when say rates get 300%+ your average for having higher rates actually diminishes the chances and your upgrades become worth far less.
What's planned for the Coming Soon on the Expedition interface? Will it be coming soon forever?
- I anticipated a final layer to the expeditions system. At this time though, it is not in the works or even in hindsight. I'll probably have that hidden in the future.
Do you play IOU too? Or just for testing new features? And have you a "normal" Account unboosted from Sneaky Adminpower? (I know it is hard to say no, if you have the power to give yourself more items etc.)
- I used to play a hell of a lot more...grouping with people, doing challenges, etc. Lately a lot less as I just have too much on my plate....and yes I definitely do cheat. Infinite diamonds/ap/food for me! I don't cheat on level though.
Has iou officially been released or are we all playing beta?
- Beta ended ages ago. It's 'Eta' =p the game goes through constant rehauls and changes though. I don't know if we'll ever be considered officially/fully released until the game's update era is coming to a when I have a heart attack.
When will Beasts be introduced?
- I did a ton of work on the visuals for this, then stopped when I reached a moment of clarity realizing that I really didn't like where the system was heading. I have some pretty big goals for the game, and not until more recently am I seeing the actual possibility of them. I want beasts tied into a few systems that currently don't exist.
When will additional forest levels be added?
- Stay tuned, 2017. We came up with a pretty ridiculous system of generating trees with an assortment of alien pieces. There's room for about a billion+ different styles of trees with the new assets Isael designed. However we are looking at a max of 45 coming up for now.
Can we get

- I could give one of the Helpers (Level/Blackie) access to this if they want, similar to how Listat put a bunch together?
I heard about an eventual EP rehaul. What does that entail?
- Yes and no clue. We've discussed different things but I'm not comfortable with anything yet. We'll bring it up in discussion for December sometime.
What happened to the idea about gem thingies we would get from challenges and series?
- There was some concerning criticism against the idea. Gems aren't laid to rest, but perhaps they'll be repurposed.
What's going on with ship series challenges?
- They give too much AP, that's what! We have the idea of having enemies with drones and different challenging setups. Planned, but not in the works yet....different priorities atm.
There's been artwork on so many upcoming challenges in the past, any news when one of them will be released?
- Challenges need their time first. Challenges outside of Challenge Points are pretty lame nowadays. I would like to tie them into a system that shows better appreciation for the content (Resources for gear/crafting/etc). We'll be discussing this soon.
You said before you want to get rid of mini-events. the community really likes these. any reason for them not to be run in addition to your future planned events?
- I thought this initially, but because of the way Unity can handle asset bundles, it might be something we can do. The issue arised when we publish for multiple platforms...lets just not ignore the elephant in the room, or the a-hole of companies, Apple. iOS makes it annoying to update your own application so nearly all updates/content need to be planned way ahead or needs to be loaded dynamically. I think we have a solution for this though so perhaps certain minigames could remain.
When is bingo coming out?
- We'll be discussing this in the next 1-2 weeks. It was 100% ready for release but there were aspects that allowed you to spend diamonds for additional cards, or a pack for 'Dab All'. We're going to revert on that and make the entire thing 100% f2p, and make earning the cards a lot easier.
With all the extra diamond and ap expenses released lately, are there going to be any additional ways to earn those currencies in game?
- There's plenty of ways to earn currencies already. The purpose of those was because we lacked the appropriate sinks for the economy. We are adding bingo though, and we have a level-reward system coming up eventually that will include resources related to your progression stage.
What about the cards rehaul mentioned times ago?
- Easier pack use is in our short-term agenda. We had ideas for other milestone bonuses as well, but we realized the majority of damage currently already comes from we're going to wait a bit longer on that.
Have you considered Gandor's idea about getting a tiny pack per level of the card orb daily? Not sure if you answered this one on test
- Negative. Don't think we'll be doing this.
What about removing people who haven't logged in for x amount of days from the highscores and then adding them back when they log in again? Or maybe just add another ranking for active people?
- This is difficult because we aren't using sql style databases for this. The only thing the high score DB has (redis) is a name and a numerical value. We can't compare dates or anything on that...and setting up a new top score system takes quite a while so backburnered.
Why don't you add platinum/ragestone challenges? The rewards(challenge points, AP, Diamonds) are hardly game breaking or anything, but it gives us some goals to work towards as a guild and as a player. Also would take a minimal amount of coding to add them.
- Yes but I'd like us to just tackle some other things regarding challenges...the system will be changing in the future in a way that makes them more rewarding/purposeful, so i've been delaying this for a bit.
1, Being able to name our guild buildings. so you want to stay in a guild. 2 can we get a list of offline trophy gains. 3 Could there be a boost or gain for more active players, as my group are often away orsleeping and I do most of work?
- 1. Won't happen, sorry.
- 2. Offline Trophy Gains? That should only occur when you are actually online. Unless you mean a list for when multiple happen at the same time?
- 3. The boost is generally passive for just being online. We talked about the party management system having some bonuses for certain parties, but I don't know where that will end up if the time comes for the discussion on it.
"-BALANCE: Mining depth capped at 500 temporarily. We're looking at woodcutting expansion and several other things. We just need a couple weeks to go over it all."
Are we looking at woodcutting upgrades cost changes too, or is it just an expansion?
-Should just be an expansion.
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Discord Username: Level#0001
Discord Username: Level#0001