10-02-2016, 06:03 PM
(09-27-2016, 10:05 AM)Ray Wrote:(09-26-2016, 05:06 PM)Ragekai Wrote: I don't even understand what you guys mean by "post inferno"
Do you mean Inferno tier (mob level?)? Do you mean inferno as in character level after 200?
We are already grinding inferno tier 999; some 1000+... so post what exactly? o.0
Inferno is a mode where YOU set the difficulty. Post-inferno would basically be the 'next' part of the primary game-play in IOU.
What exactly? Something like ascension that unlock new things or no ascension but just unlocking (with possible reset of level for the new part of the game)?
Ascension at this point of the game is pointless and would cause massive problems.
Unlocking new things? Yeah, I have few ideas. Once we have beasts (soon), they may be available from lvl 200-300.
Once we have something new to expeditions, it can also be unlocked at lvl 200. Once we hit lvl 400-500, we unlock new currency and new upgrades page for unique, strong but rare events in all avaliable features. We can also unlock 3rd passive pet (doesn't attack, but does other things, is fed differently). We can also have new name for levels (keeps exp formulas from inferno) with the counter starting from 0 again. If I remember correctly, there might be new planets. So for instance once you reach lvl 400-500, they unlock for exploration and allow new currceny to drop (with possible limitation that only those new planets drop the currency).
I am a Nerd.