Hey IOU's
I've had some complaints and questions about the Attack Speed (and other) upgrade costs...and i'd like to go into detail about the reasoning and hope that players can trust my instinct more about the balancing issues, how you may not be taking every conflict into account as I have attempted in the design, and why they need to be adjusted slowly to avoid extreme, and sometimes non-repairable issues.
With each Speedboost your attacks per second increases (thus criticals per minute, double attacks per minute, dps in general), but also the bandwidth increase (Amount of data & packets sent per second; even combining packets with intervals still increases data and required processing on both ends).
Going from 1 attack per 2 seconds plus pet attacks and click attacks, to 4 attacks per second with a 250ms delay, the bandwidth becomes exponential more significant with each speed boost, hence the high cost.
I'm not overly concerned about the bandwidth overhead on the servers, as much as I am that people from around the world play, and some with pretty slow connections. The game will also be released on Mobile which needs to be taken into account - less processing power, usually much slower connections if on Satellite.
So in the meantime while things are fleshed out over the weeks & months of balancing:
If you currently feel an upgrade is not worth it, please invest in something else or save until your gold income rate is high enough that it doesn't feel like such a large cost
I've had some complaints and questions about the Attack Speed (and other) upgrade costs...and i'd like to go into detail about the reasoning and hope that players can trust my instinct more about the balancing issues, how you may not be taking every conflict into account as I have attempted in the design, and why they need to be adjusted slowly to avoid extreme, and sometimes non-repairable issues.
With each Speedboost your attacks per second increases (thus criticals per minute, double attacks per minute, dps in general), but also the bandwidth increase (Amount of data & packets sent per second; even combining packets with intervals still increases data and required processing on both ends).
Going from 1 attack per 2 seconds plus pet attacks and click attacks, to 4 attacks per second with a 250ms delay, the bandwidth becomes exponential more significant with each speed boost, hence the high cost.
I'm not overly concerned about the bandwidth overhead on the servers, as much as I am that people from around the world play, and some with pretty slow connections. The game will also be released on Mobile which needs to be taken into account - less processing power, usually much slower connections if on Satellite.
So in the meantime while things are fleshed out over the weeks & months of balancing:
If you currently feel an upgrade is not worth it, please invest in something else or save until your gold income rate is high enough that it doesn't feel like such a large cost