Idle Online Universe RPG

Full Version: Message system for guild and channel chat
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As the chat is right now it's hard to get together to do a challenge while everyone's present. Unless I'm mistaken, the party size limit is three, so getting 6 people together is a bit difficult. Sure you could que a challenge, but who knows when enough people will finally join? By the time it happens it's likely you won't be paying attention and will offer little help. A 6 person challenge will be 1-2 people clicking/ using skills while the others are only doing auto damage.

So what's my suggestion? A way to leave a message in the channel,maybe a seperate channel for these messages that's almost like the forums. These messages would also be vviewable for people who weren't on the channel you were on when you sent it, so someone who came online later would see the challenge request.

Because of the nature of the challenges, you'd want people to be on at the same time to be able to help right? The messages would say the challenge name and include a time to que it, this way everyone would be active making the challenges much more doable.

Lastly, I know nothing of the difficulties of implementing something  like this into the game, but it seems like it could be difficult. If it's not come up with a good way to implement it and done! For now though, maybe add a forum section for challenges. Also maybe a clock on the forums to go by for the time, it likely wouldn't be used as much as if it were in game, but at least it's something and it doesn't seem like adding a new forum page would be very difficult. We could try it out and if it's popular you can implement it into the game in the future.

So that's my ideas, what do people think? Share your own ideas/thoughts about it. Thanks for reading!