Idle Online Universe RPG

Full Version: VIP EXP boost
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Since the level cap is 100 and the exp gain is pretty much useless once we cap out is there a way it can transfer into gold gain at level cap and then go back to exp once the level cap is increased?
When at level cap you already gain a 25% gold boost, and I'm not much for gaining back the exp because then there would be no point in having a level cap at all, people would just reach the new cap in no time and new players won't ever be able to catch up to older players.

Nevermind, didn't read well what you were saying. You want to transfer the Exp boost into a gold boost when at cap, I would be ok with that but probably with a lower %.
Interesting, that doesn't sound half bad....however, when the final ascension and final end-game level cap is introduced, when a player reaches a cap, further experience gains will simply go towards earning more Ascension points, so it would be a very temporary system.