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Full Version: All factors to increasing DPS
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So, well, I've reached level 213, and if you have been reading my questions it' a great improvement from when I was like, level 77 or even less.

Ok, so I want the name of EVERY SINGLE BIT OF WAYS TO INCREASE DPS. I mean, if there is 1 orb that increases mainly, and another that does only a little, tell me about both. Cards, inferno bonus, guild upgrades, challenge bonus, challenge milestone and more. Everything please!
mhh... a lot of things increase your dps and you already listed most things that do but I'll list them in a bit more detail for you:

Upgrades: You should already have your gold upgrades maxed or close to it after that spent most of your gold on Auto Upgrades and invest your AP only in Auto Speed cause the gold cost gets way to high.

Orbs: Auto Orb and Crit Orb both increase your DPS but the auto orb is better but you most likely already know that you shouldnt only get this 2 Orbs. I don't know what Orbs other people got first but I would probably buy them in this order: Auto, XP, Crit, Gold and after that its up to you some people go for Wood/Mining others for Pets.

Cards: Farm 100 cards per zone on your first round threw all the worlds and then always go for the next milestone.

Inferno bonus: you get the dmg boost shown on your character page + a 2.5% dmg boost for every level above 200.

Guild Upgrades: to be honest you shouldnt buy the dmg one. Most efficent way to spent guild XP would be to buy the XP upgrade and a few levels of the gold uprgade, some people buy the pet upgrade but in my opinion its not worth it at the moment.

Challenges: You get Challenge Points for every monster you kill for the first time and a Challenge Bonus for every Challenge you complete for the first time. Challenge Points give you a % bonus for hitting milestones (I think its 3% per milestone but I'm not sure about the lower ones). In the Series Challenge you get 1CP for every monster you kill for the first timem 1% dmg boost for every 10th monster and 5% for every 50th monster ( You get both bonuses for every 50th monster meaning you get a total of 6% for them).

Pets: They also increase your dps but after level 200 they become insignificant unless you spent a lot of real money on the game to level them. In my opinion max arena slowly (I wouldnt spent more than 50AP per level) and don't worry about them until they get another boost.

I hope that explained a few things for you.
- Oop looks like Firen snagged most of this. Here's a list of everything anyway.

* Challenge Milestone + Series
* Card bonus - Milestones & Inferno Lvls
* Leveling up (Level + Inferno bonus's)
* Support Level
* Event Points Milestone
* Completing the final stage in a challenge
* Pets + Leveling/evolving
* All auto upgrades
* All click upgrades (if clicking) with the exception of: Stamina/mana + Regen
* Abilities (If using them, if your auto speed is ~level 50+ Use 25/25/43/100/1/1)
* Auto/click Ascension points + Pet dmg/spd + treasure + Ability cd (if using)
* Auto/click/pet/challenge/crit orbs - Auto & Crit is valuable
* Stable
* Base dmg + Pet dmg Guild personal upgrades - Still not worth unless they both get buffs
* Trophies Ability reduction (If using ability's)
* Time extend (For dps in challenges, if you have it high enough level to use abilities twice)
* PP Shop - Just go ham on Damage

Hopefully I didn't miss anything, never know Tongue.