Is it possible to get
floating text like in upgrades in the progress area (area under packs) of the Match 3 event.
So when your mouse is over Wood/Stone/Gold etc.. icons the floating text tells you what
Reward level your on and the
reward for the next level also if there is a
Max level that is also displayed and it
shows the amount of Match Points needed to get to the next level.
Something like this:
Event Points
Level: 0/15
Match Points Needed to Level: 20 <--- ex.
Reward: 1 EP
That would float for Event Points.
I assume no one has found a max level for anything yet?
(01-24-2016, 10:19 AM)FadedSentry Wrote: [ -> ]I assume no one has found a max level for anything yet?
true but following other events max EP is 15 so 15 EP lvls.
So what happens when you get 15 EP? Do the EP boxes vanish, do they stop popping up, or do they just do nothing but keep popping up?
I'm all for as much info as possible.
I believe the max for all is 25 though
(01-24-2016, 10:32 AM)FadedSentry Wrote: [ -> ]So what happens when you get 15 EP? Do the EP boxes vanish, do they stop popping up, or do they just do nothing but keep popping up?
Well most of us assume that the icons for those rewards remove themselves from the game, and no longer show up.
(01-24-2016, 10:37 AM)Andez Wrote: [ -> ]I'm all for as much info as possible.
I believe the max for all is 25 though
Ray: there's a cap of 25 awards per currency
I hope the currencies remove when the caps are reached. I need a few EP for next milestone but it's annoying as hell to get because with so many currencies on the board now it takes most of the 50 energy flipping half the board just to get 3 or 4 small matches.
i kinda like the game, but too much luck involved this time.
(01-24-2016, 11:16 AM)Poems Wrote: [ -> ]I hope the currencies remove when the caps are reached.
They do. Although that will take a while to remove any. I am lvl 16 with gold rewards, and that is the furthest I've got so far. Wood is lvl 13. I hope for the gold removal in 3-4 days...
the main thing. i'd like to get full board reset, for like 5 or even 10 energy.
as i have to use 2,3,4 time single tile reset, and then with no luck, getting stuck again with 3-4 tiles gathering.
so if possible, make a full board reset for 5 or 10 energy.