Idle Online Universe RPG

Full Version: Wanderers Looking for Good Folks to Help Out
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Tired of overly competitive guilds?

Want friendly discussions with people around the world?

Okay with helping newbies out?

Hate being forced to use spreadsheets?

Love using spreadsheets?

Then have I got the guild for you!

Okay, seriously though, I'm done with my cheesy infomercial haha We're a fairly casual guild looking for people who want to stick it out in this game for the long-haul and be part of a growing, ladder climbing group who's be-all-end-all isn't reaching that #1 spot. Yeah, we're proud of basically doing a grassroots thing, accepting anyone and everyone, and helping each other get to 200 and beyond (there was a nice celebration when we earned our way onto the leaderboards). We like to help folks power-level if they want, but don't force people to do things our way just so we have more slaves to reach #1 (if we wanted to do that, we'd just have a guild full of alts that we could control and keep online 24/7). Normally I'd just open us up on the public listing and see who we can get, but that method seems kind of unreliable right now and with the recent instance bugs we've been having people join, be kicked or leave, and then we can't invite anyone because it says we're full even though we're not. Anyway, we're looking to fill 5 spots (soon to be 6) since I went around with my hammer and got rid of the people who've been gone for too long or who were rude to other members. 

We don't have any requirements, but we do have some preferences:
1) Be committed to the guild, and don't jump ship or stay offline for more than a couple days.
2) Level 130+ is a bonus, but if you're a lower level and willing, we have a super-secret job for you.
3) Be friendly!

Anyway, that's that, PM me for an invite and I might just shoot one your way.
