Idle Online Universe RPG

Full Version: Pet arena fast track pricing
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The pricing for fast track in the arena is a bit odd.

it's only based on the level of your next enemy. Instead it should based on the amount of enemies as well.

I can beat #6 without buffs and then fast track beat #13. If I do this I pay 5+7 ap. But if I only beat #5 and then fast track beat #13 I pay 3+5 ap to get to the same rank
everyday i spend 17 for fast track to #22 so i think it reasonable , the price is a bit high but it still ok and if u have low ap try not to get to every #5 mobs the price will raise , my note if only wise when u use the fast track on mobs that have 5 lv distance if not free fast track a good way for food